Chapter Nine: The Talk

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Archer and I are officially boyfriend and girlfriend. Our date last week was amazingly beautiful and romantic. Who would have thought Archer would have such a soft side? It's Saturday and tonight is Archer's basketball game! I can't wait to see him play! Well I've never seen him play but Damon says he's really good. He also has a scholarship to the school of his choice but him and his brothers decided to go to college in the city. With only less than two months left of school, summer is approaching fast. I already got accepted into Princeton and Yale. I can't wait! I'm going to miss the brothers and I don't want to think about leaving just yet. I'll cross that bridge when it comes. My door creaked open and Amy surprisingly walked in. We haven't spoke since she told Archer I liked him. I didn't hate Amy but she could really be a brat sometimes. I thought we had a good relationship until her parents arrived. I don't know what has gotten into her but she needs to grow up and have respect for herself and others.

Amy folded her arms neatly over her chest and silently walked over to my bed. Her blue eyes looking down at her feet, "I'm sorry. I'm sorry for everything. You've been nothing but nice to me and all I've done is yell and hurt you. You're like a big sister to me. Haley is too but I just feel that we connect more. I don't hate you. I was just angry at my mother and I took it out on you. I understand if you don't want to talk or hang out with me anymore."

Pulling Amy into a tight and warm hug I rubbed her back. I could never stay mad at her. She's like a little sister that I've always wanted but can't stand sometimes. I love Amy and she's been through a lot. "I love you Amy and I could never hate you. You're a brat I'll admit but we're going to fight sometimes over stupid things. I just want you to stop wearing all of that makeup. You're a beautiful girl that just wants attention. You need to start telling your parents how you feel because obviously it's affecting you. I know because I've always felt that way. I was just like you growing up but without all the makeup."

I began to tell Amy about my past. She's actually the first person I've ever told any part of my life to. I've kept it all in for so many years it's still hard to tell.

*Flashback: 6 years ago*

My dad had went to work for the fourth time this week. It gets very lonely sometimes but I always find something around the house to play with. Since I'm eleven my dad decided that I didn't need a nanny anymore so he fired Sarah. I miss her so much. She actually taught me how to do my own hair! This morning I brushed it into a ponytail and styled it into a nice pink and white polka dot bow. Opening my drawer I unfolded my pink Mickey mouse dress and pulled it over my head. Running down the long flight of stairs I ran into my playroom. Opening my toy box I pulled out my blue jump rope. I heard laughing and girls screaming outside. Pushing one of the chairs to the window I climbed on top and stared out the window. Jaime and her friends Christy and Miley are outside across the street playing freeze tag. Jumping off the chair I smiled. I wanted to play! Making me a cone of ice cream I skipped outside holding my jump rope.

Crossing the street I stood on the sidewalk, in front of Jaime's yard. Christy and Miley were frozen until Jaime shouted, "I win!"

The three girls stared at me. Jaime crossed her arms, "What do you want Selena?"

"Do you guys want to play jump rope?" I smiled happily, licking my ice cream.

"Jump rope is for little kids my sister told me." Miley said.

The others nodded there head. "Well can I play freeze tag with you guys!" I cheered.

Jaime whispered in Christy's ear and they snickered. Christy whispered in Miley's ear. She laughed. I want to know the secret!

Christy placed her hands on her hips. "Jaime says we don't allow fat girls to play because they slow us down."

Licking my ice cream I smiled, "Okay! When do we start?"

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