☆The Deal ☆

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I was so lost in my own thoughts that I didn't even hear anyone enter the room and it wasn't until I was snatch around that I found myself face to face with a very angry looking Ivy Wright! I gulped loudly sending a silent prayer to the man upstairs because the way Ivy was staring at me there was no way I was getting outta here alive! "Death by crazed lunatic!" Is what my tombstone will read.

Ivy's POV

I had finally arrived home after a long day and all I wanted to do was take a much needed nap before I have to head to my ex-bestfriend house for our monthly cheerleader sleepover. To say I was dreading this was an understatement. "Barbz, I'm home," I yelled as I tossed my book bag on the floor. "I'm in the kitchen sweetie," was her reply as I headed to the kitchen. As usual I hopped on the counter and like always Barbz yelled at me to get down.

After about five minutes of talking about my day at school and my plans for the weekend, I decided to head to my room. Before I could get out the kitchen Barbz yelled, "Oh, Ivy honey go keep that sweet girl company, your dad has yet to arrive she should be in the den."  Ugh as much as I wanted to say no, I headed towards my dad's den. To my surprise it was empty. Emerald's bag was sitting on the floor,  so I figured she was around her somewhere.

After checking downstairs and realizing she wasn't there I jogged up the stairs. "Please, don't let her be in my room," was all I kept think as I checked every room on the second floor. It wasn't until I reached my art room and saw light shining from under the door that I realized exactly where she was. "Is she blind, dumb, or stupid because I know for a fact that the words STAY OUT was written on that door!"

I yanked opened the door and paused as I watched her admire my work. Emerald (although she was uninvited) was the first person to ever see my work. It was something I was good at but always hid it in fear of rejection. I was soon snapped out of my thoughts and grabbed her arm and turned her around to face me.

"What the hell, Emerald can you not read the sign said STAY OUT!" I yelled as she stepped towards the door. "Um...I'm..sorry didn't mean to intrude but you have some sick talent. Why don't you show your work at school? I mean seriously these paintings can be in someone's gallery," Emerald said as she continued to fully examine Ivy's artwork. I was shocked but quickly turn my bitch facade back on.

"Get out NOW, before I do something I would regret," I yelled through clenched teeth. "Sorry," she mumbled again before existing the room. She was heading downstairs as I entered my room. I quickly pulled on some track shorts and was pulling off my shirt when my door burst open.

Emerald POV

After Ivy freaked out I left her studio and headed back downstairs. I was halfway downstairs when I suddenly turned around and stormed back upstairs. I entered Ivy's room and my mouth literally dropped. Ivy stood in the middle of her room in nothing but track spanks and a bra. For some reason I couldn't take my eyes of her tone stomach and long legs. I involuntarily lick my lips. She cleared her throat before saying, "what the fuçk Emerald?"

It wasn't until then that I remembered why I stormed back upstairs. "Look Ivy, I know you don't like me and I'm fine with that. But this back and forth and childish rumors you keep spreading about me is getting old and I'm tired of it." I paused for a second to collect my thoughts, "how about we call a truce, I won't tell your dad anything but you have to hold up your end of the deal. I mean we don't have to be friends but we can at least be civil around each other."

I sighed and waited for her response and judging by the way she is looking at me I doubt she would agree. I watched as she turned around and put on a t-shirt and sat on her bed. She motioned for me to have a seat across from her. I slowly walked to her desk chair and took a seat.

Ivy's POV

I watched as Emerald stormed in my room and I stifled a laugh as I watch her jaw nearly hit the floor. She literally openly checked me out and I couldn't help the smirk that plastered my face. After a while I finally spoke, "what the fuçk Emerald?" I stood and listen to Emerald rant and rave about how she was tired of us bickering and blah blah blah. All I kept think was angry Emerald is hot asf.  Finally after her five minutes of ranting I grabbed a tank top out my dresser and pulled it on. I walked to my bed and motioned for Emerald to take a seat across from me.

An awkward silence took over and I finally spoke, "Look if I'm being honest, I'm kinda tired of this cat and mouse game we've been playing. Even though you have been ignoring me for the past couple weeks." She chuckled at that statement and motioned for me to continue. "So how bout we start over, I mean like you said we don't have to be friends and we don't have to be enemy's either." I watched as she let out a sigh of relief and before she could speak and annoying as noise filled the room.

banana-ah-ah (ba-ba-ba-ba-ba-nana)
potato-na-ah-ah (ba-ba-ba-ba-ba-nana)
banana-ah-ah (ba-ba-ba-ba-ba-nana)🎵

I looked at her like really and before she answered her phone she looked at me and said, "stop judging me Miss Ivy, Blake picked this annoying as ringtone!" I gave a fake smile at the mention of my ex-bestfriend. Ugh, only God knows how much I miss her. "Okay, I'll be out in a minute. I just have to see if Dr. W and I still have a session today," she said and hung up the phone. She sent me an apologetic smile my way before standing up. "Hey Ivy, so I'm glad we got that out the way but do you know where your dad is?" She asked as she put her phone in her back pocket. I grabbed my phone and realized I had a message from him, saying to tell Emerald he wouldn't be able to make their session today.

After passing the message to Emerald, I walked her downstairs. She grabbed her bag out the den and told Barbz bye. We reached the door and we both stood their awkwardly. She ran her hands through her hair and bit her bottom lip before saying, "So I guess I'll see you tonight at Blake's....right?"  Damn I forgot all about that. I was honestly thinking about faking sick. She chuckled and I quirked my eyebrows at her. "You can't fake sick Ivy, your the captain and you planned it" Emerald said as she smiled at me. "Shit did I say that out loud," I thought. "Yes, you did and you just did it again," by now Emerald was full on laughing.

I couldn't help the pout that spread across my face as I crossed my arms over my chest. "Stop laughing at me Em," I said as she smirked at me and wiggled her eyebrows "So, I'm Em, now huh?" I felt my cheeks heat up, "Uh yeah, I mean if we're not gonna be enemies anymore, I think bitch isn't a suitable name for you. Don't cha think?"

She laughed again and said, "Yeah your right Miss Ivy." I smiled and said "I'm always right Em, and the sooner you realize that the better acquainted we will become." A loud horn pulled us out of our conversation as she opened the door and walked out but right before she could fully step out she turned around and asked again, "So I'll see you tonight right?" I sighed and as much as I wanted to say no, the look on her face made me say, "yeah, Em I'll be there." A huge smile spread across her face as she said, "Okay see you later and Ivy she misses you too!" And with that she hopped in Blake's care and they pulled off. I closed the door and for the first time in a long time I felt truly happy and it was all because of that brown eyed New girl who I used to hate. Who am I kidding since the day she rudely barged into my life, I knew she was gonna be a handful.

There it is......next chapters are gonna be a lot more interesting. You finally get to see Ivy and Emerald start to develop a friendship and maybe even more 😉 but I've decided there ship name will be Emvy (like envy but with a m 😂😂) hope you guys and girlies enjoy. Comment. ✏ Vote ✔ would love some feedback.

-Layla 😙😋😚

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