Chapter Twenty-Eight | Paint It Black

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It snowed the whole way home.

I watched it come down, the white flakes tumbling down furiously until they touched the slick road and immediately melted.

Lily sat to the left of me while I stared out the window of Carly's car. "You're sure you're okay?" She asked in a whisper. I'd lost track of how many times she'd asked me that over the course of the four hour car ride.

She didn't actually know what happened; none of them did. All they knew when they got back from breakfast was that my entire demeanor had changed and I wanted to go home. We were leaving that day, anyway, so it wasn't a problem to pack up and go a few hours early.

My hands started to shake as the incident played itself over on a loop in my mind. Frozen in shock, before running down the hallway into my room wearing just a towel, was definitely going down as one of the worst, most humiliating moments of my life.

The one thing I could pride myself on, though, was that I didn't cry. I still hadn't. In the place of tears was a cold numbness that had spread its way throughout my body.

I only looked away from the window long enough to give a Lily a pained smile, using a trembling hand to push a strand of hair out of my face.

The worst part of it all was that he didn't even try to come after to me. He didn't say anything. I felt like an idiot. Obviously, none of it had really mattered to him; it'd all just been a game.

I closed my eyes and rested the side of my forehead against the cool, fog-condensed glass.

The whole car ride had been quiet; apparently my somber mood was affecting those around me, too. Sean sat in the passenger seat while Carly drove, his snores being the only noise filling up the silence of the small car.

I was more than relieved by the time we were back in our own city and cruising down the familiar streets of my neighborhood. To say I was homesick was an understatement.

Lily leaned over my duffle bag to squeeze me into a side hug when we stopped in front of my house. Carly looked into the backseat and gave me an uneasy smile, the heater blowing strands of her dark hair towards us. "Happy birthday, babe. See you soon."

It felt like it took all my energy to smile back. "Thanks...bye, guys."

Sean stirred up front, turning around groggily. "See you around." I nodded, sliding the strap of my bag over my shoulder and getting out of the car.

I slowly started my trek up the driveway and the small paved path that led to my porch. The front door opened just as I reached it. "She's here!" my brother turned around and yelled into the living room.

"Audrey!" He hugged my leg when I started to cross the threshold.

I lightly patted the blonde waves of his head. "Hey, Maxy," I greeted him tiredly. My bag was beginning to slump in my grip as I stood there.

He finally released me and moved out of my way after a few more seconds, racing back through the foyer and into the living room. I shut the door behind me as I slowly followed suit.

My mom rounded the corner of the kitchen and came into view, shocking me when I realized my dad was right behind her. "Hi, baby, happy birthday!" she exclaimed.

She pulled me into a tight hug when I dropped my bag and came closer. "Thanks," I responded quietly, my voice coming out muffled through her cardigan covered shoulder.

My dad hugged me as soon as my mom released me, engulfing me in the familiar scent of his cologne. "Hey, kiddo."

I pulled back after a moment. The excitement I usually felt whenever my dad returned home was being sidelined by the constant ache in my chest. "Hi, dad," I muttered meekly.

"Oh, honey, you must be exhausted!" My mom said, noticing my lack of enthusiasm.

"Yeah, you go on upstairs and get settled," my dad said, smiling at me affectionately. "But don't take too long, we have a surprise for you."

"Alright," I breathed in relief, glad for the opportunity to escape to my room.

I gave them small smiles, retrieving my bag from where I left it by the couch. By the time I lugged it up the stairs and pushed through the door into my room, all I wanted to do was collapse onto my bed. Knowing my parents were waiting for me was the only thing that kept me from doing so.

I rummaged through my drawers until I found a pair of black yoga pants and an old sweatshirt. Trading my old clothes for them, I changed and headed back downstairs.

I noticed my dad sitting with Max on the couch when I got downstairs. An episode of SpongeBob played on the flat screen and I was surprised that my dad hadn't made him change the channel yet.

My mom stuck her head out of the pantry when I entered the kitchen. "Audrey, can you get me a new box of garbage bags from the garage? We're already out."

"Sure," I sighed, trudging across the kitchen floor.

The garage was dark and cold when I opened the door that led to it. My hand shot out and felt along the wall, trying to find the switch. I finally did and flipped it up, flooding the large room with bright, fluorescent lights.

The first thing that registered with me was confusion, when I spotted the white vehicle taking up half the parking area. The next thing was the sound of my mom's excited laugh, right behind me.

"Happy birthday, sweetheart," my dad said, placing an affectionate hand on my shoulder as I turned to face them.

I looked away from them, to the car, and back. "Well?" my mom asked in anticipation. "What do you think?"

It took me a second to realize that this car must be for me, my birthday present, and that my mom had tricked me into coming out here. I stared at the car more. It was some type of Jeep, shiny and white and, for the stupidest reason, the first thing my mind went to was that he had a white Jeep, and that was what finally broke me.

My mom's green eyes widened in alarm as the dam broke and I burst into tears. "What's wrong? Why are you crying?"

I was full on sobbing. My hands flew to cover up my mouth, in an effort to hide the whimpering noises. "Honey? Oh god, David, she doesn't like it!" My mom looked panicked, her face coming in blurry through all my tears as she clutched my dad's arm in concern.

I shook my head, wanting to say that wasn't it, but I couldn't. Now that the tears had finally come, they wouldn't stop.

My parents moved aside for me in a daze as I rushed past them, back into the house. I ran all the way up the stairs and flung my bedroom door open.

I knew my parents were worried about me. All they wanted to do was surprise me on my birthday but, honestly, I'd already had enough of those today.

I fell onto my bed and curled up on my left side, hugging one of my soft pillows.

It was all his fault.

I'd never wanted to feel this way, and I knew it was doomed to happen when I got involved with him. Trent Blake was never going to change and I was stupid to think that he could.

I buried my face into the pillow. My tears were already staining it. As I laid there, I decided I'd rather feel absolutely numb, like I had been all day. It was a much better alternative to feeling like I felt now, because this? This hurt.


Hey everyone!

Very short and somewhat depressing chapter, I know, but I hope you liked it anyway. I had some free time and figured I'd do a quick update!

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