Chapter 31

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Chapter 31

                                Five Months Later; June

                Staring down at my test paper, I rechecked my answers over again, for the fourth time. I let out a silent sigh, glancing up at the clock that hung above me, on the wall. The bell would ring any time now, signaling my freedom. I tapped my pen against the desk, flipping my test paper over. Just as I laid my head down on my desk, the bell rang. “Okay, everyone bring your test papers up and put them in an orderly pile right here!” Mr. Winston called out as students quickly emerged from their seats, some still jotting down answers. As I got up from my seat, I noticed Cooper Daniels struggling to answer the first few questions on the test, glancing over at my paper. Mr. Winston caught his eyes wandering on mine, shooting him a glare. “Cooper Daniels, ten points off your final!”

                I couldn’t help but release a smirk, still remembering how big of a complete asshole Cooper Daniels was, and still is. I walked up to Mr. Winston’s desk, placing my test paper within the pile. Once I stepped outside of his classroom, Cassandra and Maria were waiting for me by the doorway, anxious smiles on their faces. “How was it?” Cassandra asked, raising an eyebrow curiously.

                I gave the two girls a tight smile before a grin spread across my lips in a sense of victory. “I owned that test.” I squealed while Cassandra and Maria beamed. I let out a deep breath of air, feeling accomplished. My last final of the school year was over with. “Where are the guys? Aren’t we supposed to celebrate overcoming our last final by going over to Jared’s house?”

                Maria beamed, nodding. “Yup, they’re already at his house preparing the grill and stuff, but they said we could come over whenever you were done with your test.”

                Cassandra looked down at the phone in her hands, tapping away, her fingernails making sounds as they hit against the screen. A small smile lingered across her face as she texted. “Max said that people are showing up already.” She muttered, flipping her blonde hair behind her shoulders. “We should get going.”

                By the time we got to Jared’s house, at least half of the upperclassmen were already there. Dozens of cars were parked in and near Jared’s driveway, so finding a parking spot took quite some time. Once we got out of the car, we made our way into Jared’s backyard. It was no secret that Jared was a lot wealthier than us all, so it was natural that he had a sizable area for a backyard. His in-ground pool was filled with recognizable students from our school, and there were people all over the place. The three of us spotted Jared working at the grill, whipping up hotdogs and burgers near the refreshments table.

Maria ran up behind Jared, snaking her arms around his waist. Cassandra and I followed behind as Maria gave her boyfriend a light peck. Once they separated, we properly greeted Jared. “How did you manage to get so many people to come within four hours?” I asked, amazed by the amount of people that showed up within a short span of time.

                “Jared is hot, that’s why.” A nasally voice came from behind us, shoving her way through us and to Jared. Katie was dressed in a skimpy red bikini that was tied with strings the size of floss. She gave the three of us a glare before snickering at us. Katie turned her attention back to Jared, placing a hand on his arm, causing Maria to fume. “This is a great party, by the way. I cancelled on my spa session today just to come for you.” Katie shamelessly flirted with Jared with Maria right beside him.

                “Why don’t you do something useful in your life for once, Katie?” Maria advised. “You could start by pissing off of my boyfriend.”

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