{Designer} -becka

935 17 2

Name: Rebecka Syed

Experience: 2 years

Age: 16

Preferred Genres/Disliked Genres: I don't have a preferred genre and I'm open to anything. I'm a bit wary of cartoon based covers and I'm more experienced in creating covers with real people. I'll be open to creating cartoon based covers when I feel more confident in my skill.

Contact Info: You can PM me details pertaining to your book cover or email me at yemimahqn@gmail.com. But I prefer you just PMed me because I check that more.

Wattpad Schedule: I am usually active on weekends, and most Tuesdays and Thursdays.

Specialties: Covers with humans, but I'm open to other things as well.

Additional Information: N/A at this moment.

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