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When I awoke, my mouth was dry and my head hurt. It took me a moment to remember where I was, and when the memory comes back to me, anger scorches my veins and taints my heart. Tears sting my eyes and spill over. Delaney set me up. This whole thing.

I curl up in a ball in the corner of the dungeon. The lights have faded, and this is worse than your average darkness. I'm scared, and all I want right now is to be back in the arms of my handsome servant. I cry for him, for us, for the vile that I put in his pants pocket. Delaney knows everything. She pulled our strings like a puppet master, and everything went just the way she wanted it to go.

I was given a lot of time to think here, and I hated the silence. I wrap my hands around the bars and scream for help. I scream until my throat hurts. I cry until I fall into a restless sleep.

I wonder how much time has passed. Does anyone but Xavier notice that I am gone? What about Persephone and Hades? Everything inside of me doesn't want them to die. I want them to live, and I wish I never got myself mixed up in all of this. This is all Delaney's fault, for wanting a better life, for loving an asshole. This was Xavier's fault. This is my fault.

My fault.

Jasmine has Oscar. Castiel is still secretly in love with Delaney. Ivana is a slut. Akari was chosen for the irony and the humor; she's the lesbian of the bunch. The odd ball out. Harley should have made it. She should have been Queen.


Jasmine and Oscar said something about bringing Harley back. But now, I couldn't remember what it was. I hated myself for it, for getting her eliminated. She'll hate me, too. The list of enemies and regrets only grows larger and larger, and I realize that I should have taken Jasmine's side a long time ago. . .

But she needed someone to stick the blame on.

         It was at this moment when I realized how much I missed seeing the sun. Here I was, stick in this dark dungeon and all I wanted was to see the sun, again, feel it on my skin.

         And the rain.

          I missed the rain, pounding in endless sheets against all of London. I loved curling up with a good book and a cup of coffee, in an alcove in my bedroom and listening to the rain. I wanted to kiss Xavier in the rain. But now, that can never happen. Plan B won't ever happen.

         For the first real time since this competition began, I cried. I cried for what happened to Harley. I cried because I'm dead. I cried because I only wanted one thing, one person, and they could not yet be mine. They would be taken from me, to the fields of punishment or worse — Tartarus. I cried for Xavier most of all. I screamed at the top of my lungs for him, but there was no way he could hear me from a dungeon cell.

          I don't know how long I've been down here, but after awhile, the guards brought me a tray of food. They were ashen faced and pale and they looked irritated. They left soundlessly even though I begged them to let me out. I screamed that I wasn't Delaney, but they didn't listen.

        "Help me!"

          There was a big loaf of bread and water on the plate. I drank the water too quickly, all at once, greedy. I ate the bread in one bite, and was still hungry for more. It must have happened already.

         I heard a struggle on the stairs, and I stood up.

         Xavier's voice.

         By the sounds of it, he was shouting. "Xavier!" I shouted, and then again: "Xavier!" My voice was hoarse from screaming so loudly. The person I want most is here in this dungeon with me. His screaming fell silent, and he shouts my name, instead.

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