BC Gifts

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   Prussia had sent canada away to find him some "cool gold miner food". It wasn't long before he returned with a bag of donuts and chocolate croissants. He walked over to see the Prussian was placing his creation on a chain. Canada tried to peer over to see but the Prussians pale hands were in the way.

"May I see?" He asked.

"Just a.... Second." Prussia said still chaining it up. "Okay. Close your eyes." He smiled.

   Canada trusted the Prussian and did as he said closing his eyes. He felt cold metal ring his neck and then a slightly heavy thing drop on his chest. He opened his eyes to see the iron necklace. It was the shape of a dark bird.

"It's the bird from my flag! Ain't I talented!" Prussia said proudly.

"It's really good." Canada admired.

"Good? It's AWESOME!" He said excitedly. "You have a Prussian exclusive, the rarest of rare, do you know how much that would go up for on eBay?!"

"A lot?" Canada guessed.

"Like, so much!" Prussia said throwing his hands in the air. "That was awesome! I haven't done that in years! Let's go find more cool things!"

   Prussia slowly walked up and reached into the bag canada was holding to check what he got.

"Do you wanna go pan for gold?!"

   Prussia looked up mid chew with coconut sprinkles dashed over his lips.

"Gwold!!" He murmured. "Ull gwet owl dah gwold!!"

   Canada let out a soft laugh and the Prussian just looked at him excited and confused.

"Come on then." Canada said leading the way.

   Prussia chased after him and he was lead to a long table where kids stood with pans over the table. An old man with a Snow White beard helped them move the pans the right way. Canada walked over and the old man waved happily.

"Well hello there Mattie, here to pan some gold?" He said with a whistle.

   Prussia lifted a brow and walked up beside him.

"Mattie?" Prussia questioned.

"Matthew, it's my human name...... Rob, my friend Gilbert would like to pan for gold." Canada said shocking the Prussian again.

"You know my man-name?" He said still shocked.

"O-of course I do?" Canada said as if he was asked if he pees like everyone else.

"You wanna pan for some gold my albino friend?" Rob stepped in.

   Prussia looked at the old man and smiled.

"Old timer, I will pan all your gold, in record timing." Prussia said cockily.

Rob's sweet old face stayed the same as he smiled at the prussian.

"You think you're that good?" He asked.

"I do mean to brag, but when it comes to anything, especially gold panning, I. Am. Awesome!" He said proudly.

"Would you like to test that sonny." The old man queried.

"Test? I will prove it." Prussia said taking the challenge.

"Then follow me old sport."

   The elderly man walked over to a larger, lower down table. He handed Prussia a pan and took one for himself.

"Alright Matthew Mah boy, you quickly remind this scout how to pan so it's a fair match." The elder an said pointing to Canada.

   Canada smiled and placed the bag of donuts by the foot of the table. He lightly patted Prussia's back to move to down the table. The pale male lifted the pan and Matthew watched how far the albino could remember. He reached the pan into the water scooping up the rocks. He tossed them side to side and they all slipped out. Canada held back a laugh at the clumsy Cock of the walk.

"Here." He said reaching over to the pan. "Slow circles, like a vibration." He said slowly shaking and moving the pan.

The Prussian nodded then took over for himself. He caught on quickly and when he thought he was ready he put the rocks back and looked up the the snowy bearded man.

"You ready to rock old man?!" He said excitedly.

"Only if you're ready to roll over like a good wiener puppy." The old man said unexpectedly.

"A dachshund? Look here you old dinosaur! I am a white wolf! The God of dogs! The God of gods! I am awesome PRUSSIA!!" He bellowed.

   Canada could barely watch the embarrassing duo as they dramatically readied the sled for a gold pan off. They lifted their pans then dove them into the water. Canada hadn't seen such a needy sight since these hills were full of  wanting miners searching for gold. He knew how it would end so he went to find himself a seat.

   A solid half hour had past. Canada had eaten all of the donuts and now Prussia and the old man stared at each other with their winnings. A young woman in a bonnet and old dress came out with a scale to see who got the most gold. Prussia had a dirty grin as if in his head he had already won.

"Did you see that Mattie! I kicked this old mans butt!!" He bellowed.

"Um... Gil.." Canada said shyly. "Maybe you shouldn't count your chickens?" He said pointing at the scale.

   The woman let go and the elder mans gold weighed more. Prussia's jaw dropped and the woman gave Prussia his gold in a vile of water.

"Sorry sonny, better luck next time." The old man said before leaving the two alone.

"Sorry you didn't win Prussia, you did very good seeing as how you haven't done that for a very long time." Canada tried to cheer him up.

"Good?" Prussia questioned. "I did AWESOME!" He yelled turning around. "Look at all my gold!"

   Canada was surprised but glad that the Prussian turned his defeat around.

"Germany is gonna be sooooo Jelly!" Prussia sang.

   Speaking of singing, Prussia's ear was caught by the sound of folk music.

"What's that?" He asked.

Canada listened and smiled. "Oh! That must be the band, they're about to dance." Canada remembered.

"Let's go see!" Prussia dashed off.

   Canada raced after him wishing he had brought a leash. He stopped by the older male and watched the men and woman begin their dance in the dusty road. The banjo strummed, a woman clanged the spoons and another male blared his harmonica while everyone sang and danced.

"Come on!" Prussia said suddenly pulling Canada to the dance floor.

"Ah? Gilbert wait!" Canada screeched blushing deeply.

"For what? Come on!" Prussia said twirling the young blonde around.

   Canada tried to hold on as Prussia learned the steps. He swung Canada around as if he were as light as a bird. His Crimson eyes danced with the Canadians violets as they tried to stay in tune. Canada couldn't help but smile and laugh at the song. This made Prussia smile wider and try to sing along. He let out such violent Gilflails that the two tripped over one another tumbling to the dirt floor. They looked at each other's ridiculous faces and laughed as the song ended.

"Sorry." Canada snickered trying to get off Prussia.

"What can I say, even the men can't keep their hands off me. But jumping into my arms, that's mighty brave!" Prussia tweaked.

Canada's face went redder as he got off quickly helping the other male up. They looked at each other and smiled realizing how easy it was as they became close.

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