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Picture: forget that girl Pacifica is taking to dipper now ;) by: me
//Pacifica's P.O.V.

Dipper and Candy walked out together, I followed after them.

"I will see you in there!" Giggled Candy before catching up with the girls.

I was gonna go with her when..."Hey what's with the mopey mug, kid?" Asked Stan to Dipper.

So that smile was fake? Maybe I should stay behind..

"Stan!" started Dipper. "You gotta help me! Everything you taught me worked too well! I think Candy just asked me out on a date!"

You think?!

"Hey hey! Look at this little champion!" Stan smiled.

"What?!" Dipper yelled. "No! I mean Candy's great..she's sweet and she's smart but I never thought of her like that! This is all moving way too fast!" He took a few deep breaths. "Okay I just need to be honest with her and tell her I'm not ready for all of this!"

Oh my god thank you!

Stan laughed. "Don't you see what's happening here? That's your dumb obsession with Wendy getting in the way of your future! If you wanna move on you gotta say yes to whatever comes your way." He looked behind him and saw a Middle Aged woman at the ticket booth. "Speaking of which.." he smirked.

"But I don't wanna lead her on."

Ok his heart is in the right place can we just keep it there? Please? Anyone?

Stan covered his mouth. "Ah watch and learn..." He walked over to the girl. "whoa I've seen to have lost my number..can I borrow yours?"

No? Okay..

The girl laughed. "Oh you are a riot! What brings you here? We don't normally get men this handsome around these parks." Ew. Stan laughed. "Well...Darlene between you and me what I'm doing here is a little secret." He smirked. "Oh you seem like a man with secrets." She said. They both laughed. Dipper seemed disgusted. Agreed.

"I'm about to take a break." Continued Darlene. "Wanna take a the sky tram up to widows peek?" Stan then went back to Dipper. "Take my advice or don't but clearly I know what I'm doing."

No, no you really don't

He and Darlene then went to the entrance. I looked back at Dipper to see if he was even thinking about taking that walk with Candy.

"Ugh maybe Stan's right.." He said aloud to himself.

"Um no he's wrong..extremely wrong." I said walking over to him.

He turned to me. "Pacifica?..were you eavesdropping?!"

"Yes, but thats besides the point! Are you seriously gonna take his advice to practically break Candy?!" This was no longer about me being jealous I felt for Candy. She liked him and Dipper was just gonna use her for 'practice'

"No of course not." He scoffed. "Good..because that's such a jerk move." I said. "Oh you would know!" He said. "Excuse me?"

"Ugh..I'm done pretending I know this is a punishment...that you didn't want to come here on your own...tell me how was it road-tripping with the 'unfortunate'? Yea Stan told me..sorry your secret is out, princess!"

I looked down. "Dipper,..Stan told you false information..yes this is punishment but I don't hate it..I- you wanna know what! This will all be explained in good time but for now..just please promise me you will not take that walk with Candy!"

"ooooh this is a hard one: listen to the girl who won't even tell me the real story of this whole punishment-roadtrip-thing or my Grunkle who's been helping me get over Wendy all day today!..hmm not much of a competition." He scoffed.

I sighed. "Look I know I don't seem trustworthy right now...but think about're just using Candy to get 'practice points' but she actually likes you Dipper....and who can blame her?..I like you too." I covered my mouth.

why did I just admit that to him?!..

"I guess the whole punishment-thing makes sense now...right?" I laughed nervously. He was speechless.

ugh I'm just gonna get out of here before I wreck myself even more.

I looked at him one last time before leaving. "Dipper..whatever you do..just..please..make sure it's your choice.." I then joined the girls.

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