16) Hourglass

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Milky blue splash, and a dash-

of seasalt, glittering shards smashed

like glass in roadside gutter.

Rocks like jagged scars, reaching the stars

which explode in twilight ecstasy

the firmament reflecting over seldom still waters

which in brief rest are nature's mirror

to show us the true beauty of things

Milky ocean splash, and a flash-

of sun shimmer, gold like true hearts dashed

but mending all the same

And the white horses flurry, over

the rocks to the shore, to turn the hourglass

in their favour, reclaiming the sands of time

which are always shifting the balance.

Milky wave crash, and a splash-

of aquamarine, colour of my dreams

which like stars are always fading away.

(18th August 2013)

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