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"So you killed her?"

Ariel pushed open the double doors to school, striding in as Stiles and Scott hurried to catch up with her. She was not in the best mood, especially so after a rather infuriating encounter with Jackson in the parking lot. That overrated, obnoxious jerk had slammed her up against a tree and tried to question her, one slimy hand drifting a little too close to her ass. Of course, she had rammed the heel of her boot into his foot and elbowed him hard in the stomach yet she was still boiling with anger. That prick sought to get answers about Scott and she was sure as hell not going to comply.

"I don't know! I just woke up! I was in a sweat and I couldn't breath.... I've never had a dream where if woken up like that before..." Scott cried. Last night he had dreamt a scarily realistic dream of killing Allison, one that was plaguing his thoughts non stop.

"Really? I have. Usually ends a little differently." Stiles broke in, a little smirk on his face.

"I said I never had a dream that made me feel that way and-"

"And never give us so much detail about you in bed again." Ariel cut her brother off, glaring up at Stiles. He gulped and looked away.

"Noted. Let me take a guess here..." The lanky boy turned back to Scott, trailing off as he thought of the date Scott and Allison had planned for the next day.

"No I... I know. You think it's has something to do with me going out with Allison tomorrow. Like I'm gonna lose control and throttle her out." He sighed.


"No of course not!" Stiles sent Ariel a glare and she shrugged her shoulders. Scott and Allison going on a date in the middle of his werewolf problems was not a good idea by any means. "Hey come on, it's gonna be fine, alright? Personally I think you two are handling it pretty amazingly. You know, it's not like, like there's some lycanthropy for beginners class you can take."

"Not a class... Maybe a teacher." Ariel sent a meaningful look at Scott.

"Derek." He echoed, nodding at her in agreement.

"Derek?? Did you guys forget the little detail where we got him THROWN IN JAIL?" Stiles threw his arms out in exasperation, almost smacking a poor freshman girl in the face.

"Yeah I know! But kissing her, being in the back of the bus, it just felt... So real!" Scott rubbed his temples.

"How real?" Ariel reached out to pull open the doors.

"Like it actually happened..." Her brother trailed off as the door swung open. Outside was a police frenzy. Yellow caution tape and a swarm of deputies surrounded a bloody bus in the schools back parking lot. The fire escape door had been ripped off with a sort of primal force. Claw marks marred the vehicle, the metallic smell of blood penetrating Ariels sensitive nose.

"I think it did." She breathed out.


Ariel McCall was flopped lazily on the lab table, dragging her pencil in a messy silhouette of a wolf. Mr. Harris, her chemistry teacher, droned on about ionic bonds, pacing the room with his trademark evil look. Chemistry was her worst class. The blonde could normally scrape by with a B, but this unit was particularly painful.

"Ms. McCall? Does my class bore you?" Mr Harris called out. Ariel just rolled her eyes, rested her cheek on her palm and glared at him.

"No, Mr Harris. Ionic bonds and your melodic lectures are the highlight of my day." The class broke out into giggles at the sarcastic tone while the devil huffed and sent the blonde a spiteful glare.

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