Chapter Two

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The great pyramid of Megalopolis was a magnificent engineering achievement designed to reduce commuting and negate the effects of urban sprawl. The massive structure was comprised of a network of steel trusses and tiered platforms. Erected on the outskirts of the crumbling city, the Megaplex pyramid was just a sample of modern human ingenuity. It was a contemporary version of the ancient pyramid of Giza – a true testament to how far humans had come in a relatively short span of time.

Home to nearly one million people, the Megaplex hosted an array of retail and office spaces, parks and entertainment, hospitals and schools, and also subsidized housing for new graduates. The pyramid represented a new age of living – a structure that was almost entirely self-sufficient. So far, it was the only one of its kind.

As the taxi approached the pyramid, Alex looked at her new home. She had to tilt her head just to see the top of it. Construction on the project had been completed eight months ago, but it was the first time she had seen the structure up close. The mere sight of it nearly took her breath away. As the taxi continued toward the great pyramid, Alex never broke her gaze. She had only seen pictures of it previously and was not prepared for how grand and beautiful it was in person.

Her eyes continued to scan the angular panels, which were outfitted with the latest solar technology and wind propellers. Since Earth's oil reserves had been depleted many years ago, this was a common way to utilize as much renewable energy from the environment as possible.

The taxi traversed silently into the pyramid and stopped in front of one of the internal transport hubs. Alex exited the vehicle with her large bag and stood in silence for a moment. She felt like she was in the centre of a human beehive. There seemed to be a genuine hustle in the atmosphere, which was invigorating for her. Things were zipping in all sorts of directions, robots shuffled around attempting to sell merchandise to people, and LED screens lit up with bright messages and colourful advertisements. The plant life inside was abundant and did its part to counteract the modern industrial ambience. It was a true work of art.

She knew the sense of awe she was feeling would soon wear off and be replaced by boredom or even contempt, so she savoured the moment. As with most things in the world that are amazing, they often become mundane and insignificant with time.

The taxi hovered for a moment and then accelerated out of the pyramid, leaving behind a trail of water vapour. It was now time for Alex to navigate the megacity on her own. She raised her left arm, which held her access pod, and reviewed her coordinates. She gave a simple voice command and within seconds she had the precise location of her apartment along with a detailed map listing the exact steps she needed to take to get there.

With cautious optimism, she took the first step on what would become the journey of the rest of her life – or at least the beginning of a new chapter. She walked toward a transport vehicle and eagerly boarded with the other commuters. The tram doors closed and an automated voice greeted the passengers. Within seconds, the rapid tram accelerated through the tube so quickly that it caused Alex's stomach to churn. 

As if sensing her unfamiliarity, a stranger offered her some words of encouragement.

"Is it your first time in the pyramid?" a young man asked.

"Yeah, is it that obvious?" Alex asked timidly, displaying her gorgeous smile.

"I know it can be a bit overwhelming at first, but don't worry, you'll get used to it."

"That's what I'm afraid of," she remarked.

"I'm Aris."

"Aris? Is that short for Aristotle?" Alex asked.

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