Chapter Fifteen

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Elliot and Renna Gwenneth were sitting alone in their house, doing as they had done for the past month, worrying. They knew that they might not ever see Iris again, and that was enough to make the two of them cry. Which they did, a lot. Elliot knew that his daughter was not fit for war, or the like, and would probably be killed in the fighting.

"What if they find her out and kill her? What if she's already dead, Renna?"

Iris's father sunk in his seat a little bit. His sister looked at him, noting that the dark circles under his eyes had grown even larger and even darker. She had no doubt that hers probably looked close to the same. She went over and placed a hand on Elliot's shoulder.

"Let us hope she is not."

A single tear fell down Renna's cheek. A little surprised at it, she wiped it. She had no idea that she had any tears left.

"This almost reminds me of..." he began, but was interrupted.

Renna stopped him. "Don't say it."

She sat down on the small couch adjacent to Elliot's chair.

They sat in silence for what felt like ages. They would have sat in silence much longer, if they hadn't heard the loud rap on their front door. They were both confused for a long moment, as no one had visited them in a very long time. Renna got up and answered the door, not wishing to be bothered. When she did, she gasped.

Kayde was looking her straight in the eyes, waiting to be let in. She immediately, if not frantically, welcomed him in, and led him into the living room where Elliot was located.

The sight of his daughter's mentor made him want to jump up and do something. He did not know what. It took a minute for any of them to speak. Kayde first held out Elliot's sword to him, making her father's knees buckle. He felt like he knew why he was being handed back his sword, because Iris had no use of it anymore. She was dead... the thought alone made a lump rise in his throat. He looked around the dark room, and then ducked his head.

"So, she's gone then?" he asked in a silent voice.

Kayde's lips twitched amusedly. "Have you no faith in me?" He sobered. "No, sir, she is not. She is back at the soldier's camp... completing her training."

This still did not comfort Elliot in the slightest. He knew that training was not in depth there. He also knew that his daughter was feeble... weak. The last time he had seen her, she had been crying. She was the most fearful of girls that he had seen and also one of the most cynical. He still loved her no matter what, but she was far from a soldier's make."

"Is she doing... ok?" Elliot could not find the right words.

"Quite. She does not need your sword, though. I figured that you would like it back."

This time, Elliot took the sword and looked over at Renna. She was sitting there, blank-faced, trying to take in every word that Kayde said. Elliot pulled the sword part-ways out of its scabbard, noting that it had been sharpened since he'd seen it last. He quickly sheathed it again, and waited for anything else that Kayde may say.

"Your daughter is a soldier among the rogues, Elliot, and she is doing you and your family proud. Try and remember that."

This was something that they did not expect him to say.

"She stands as Ingred Gwenneth, a decently talented rogue of the new recruits. I have been helping her as much as I can. Take comfort, your daughter is a fast learner. More people than I are impressed with her progress..."

An inkling of pride swirled around Elliot's heart, threatening to grow even larger. Still, he did not smile.

"So she has a chance?" he asked.

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