Chapter 11

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Roxy drove to a mall two hours away because she said that’s where the best deals are. During those two hours, I caught up with my sister and realized just how much I missed her.  She told me all about college and how she had changed her major from education to medical. I was proud of her. She was smart and I knew she’d be a doctor. She was excited about Cain and Asher’s arrival. She said it had been too long since she had seen her nephews. As soon as we pulled into the parking lot of the mall, she parked her car and dragged me to the entrance.

“Come on. You don’t have many clothes and we need to make you look hot for tonight. We need to show Cayden just what he missed out on,” she said as she pulled me into the biggest store at the mall.

“Wait, what? Tonight’s about having fun, not making anybody jealous,” I protested as she started pulling clothes off the racks and shoving them in my arms as we passed them.

“We will have fun, but we also have to show Cayden that he made a major mistake when he cheated on you,” she said, pushing me into the dressing room.

“Rox, what is all this? Did you even look at any of this before you shoved it in my arms?” I asked, picking up some of the articles of clothing.

“I know what I’m doing, little sis. Have faith in your big sister. Just try the stuff on and let me see,” she said with a laugh.

The next half an hour was spent trying on all the clothes that she shoved in my arms. Surprisingly, most of them fit perfectly and looked awesome on me. When I made it through the pile, Rox took the clothes I didn’t want and then handed me another giant pile. Laughing, I took the clothes from her to try them on.  I had forgotten how good my sister was at finding clothes that looked amazing on people and I was grateful that she was with me. I was getting tired of having to borrow clothes from Tegan since most of my clothes were still in Phoenix.

“Okay Rox, I think I have enough clothes now. Let’s find some for you,” I said, coming out of the dressing room with my arms loaded down. I could just barely see over the top of the pile.

“I have clothes. This was just for you,” she said simply, taking some of the clothes to ease my burden.

“Rox, we didn’t come all this way just for me. We are at least finding you something to wear for tonight,” I said firmly, making her smile.

“Okay, let’s pay for this stuff and take it to the car, then we’ll come back and find me something. Oh! And we need shoes. You have all these new clothes, now you need shoes to match. I could use some new shoes as well,” she said, laying her pile on the counter and motioning for me to do the same.

After all the clothes were rung up, Rox handed the lady her credit card. It’s a good thing Dad’s company is doing so good and we have a very healthy checking limit or else I wouldn’t have been able to get all the stuff. We walked out to her car with our arms full of bags, laughing and joking like old times. When the bags were safely in the trunk, we walked back in to continue our shopping.

“Hey Kenz, what about these?” Rox asked, holding up a cute pair of black ankle boots.

“Those are adorable!” I exclaimed, jumping up to grab them from her.

I sat back down to put them on, noticing Rox was off finding other shoes. I stood up when I had them and walked around, instantly knowing they were perfect for me. I had just taken them off when Rox handed me a pair boots that reached my calf. The problem was, the heel was eight inch stiletto.

“No way Rox, not happening,” I protested, shaking my head back and forth.

“Yes way baby sister. You’re at least trying them on,” Rox demanded, pushing me down into my seat and pushing the boots into my hands.

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