Chapter Five

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Saga had showered and wrapped herself in her fluffiest dressing gown, then Thor knocked on the door to her apartments.

"Lady Saga, please, I must speak with you."

She ignored him.

"I have no wish to berate you as the others have done, my Lady, I simply wish to talk."

Reluctantly, she decided to hear what he had to say.

"Thank you," he said earnestly as she opened the door.

She knew he was massive, not only because of his deep voice but because his voice came from so far above her. Loki was tall but Thor was even bigger, if that was possible.

"Come in." She stood back to let him enter.

"Thank you." He stepped inside and she shut the door after him. "I realised you have not eaten so I brought you some food."

"Thank you."

"Unfortunately I am no cook, so it is only potato chips and cookies."

"You can't go wrong with chips and cookies," she smiled as she sat down. "So, what can I do for you?"

"I wish to know what your intentions towards Loki are."

"My... intentions?" She sounded the word out, as if she might have misheard.


"You mean like, am I planning to marry him?"

"I mean, will you play him fair?"

"Have I been unfair?" she asked.

"I spoke with Loki earlier," Thor said. "He seems to think that you were using him to upset your friends."

"So that's why he hasn't come to see me?"

"That, and Stark has reinstituted the protocols that don't allow Loki off his floor."

Saga took a deep breath. "Thank you for telling me and I'm not playing your brother false. I like him, he's a good friend."

"I'm glad. Most think Loki impenetrable but I know that beneath that hard exterior, lies more vulnerability than you might imagine."

"I understand," she assured him. "But you shouldn't get your hopes up, Thor."

"My hopes?"

"You seem to have romantic intentions for us but, I'm not exactly relationship material right now."

"Why not?"

"I can hardly take care of myself, if I'm with someone else they'll just try to help and I'll never be self-sufficient. Besides, a relationship should be give and take and a the moment, I'm more on the taking side."

"I think you are mistaken, but I shall take care not to raise my hopes, as you suggest."

Saga loved the sort of olde worldy way he and Loki spoke sometimes.

"And I'll reassure your brother. Has he eaten?"

"I brought him a tray earlier."

She saw him out then turned back into the room.

"Jeeves, what room is Loki in?"


Saga had never been to his floor before and they all had a very slightly different layout. She didn't really want to take Buddy though, because she was a little bit paranoid that Tony would use it to spy on her somehow.

"Buddy, I want you to stay on your charging bed, okay?"

The dog whined.

"I know, but I know where I'm going. I'll be fine. You stay here, got it"

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