Fits, Fumbles, and Fibs

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Tick. Tick. Tick...

Reclined in my chair, I tapped the glass face of my pocket watch in annoyance, willing it to move faster. It had been nearly an hour, and I hadn't received so much as a whisper from Mr Ambrose, let alone a barking command to play a game of fetch the files.

I sat still for a moment, contemplating my next move. Should I bother to go knock? Clearly, he had wanted some privacy when he had locked the door connecting our offices. In these past few months he had almost never separated the two rooms. I was always being ordered back and forth, delivering files and other documents from their homes in my office to their brief vacation on Mr Ambrose's desk. I was always within sights of my employer, his icy gaze watching my every move as I progressed through the work day. Now, since I had been shut away in my office for the past few hours, I felt strange. Usually I would have appreciated a break from my office marathon, but my limbs were aching to move. I furrowed my brow and glared down at my legs. That bloody son of a bachelor may have actually made me enjoy exercising! Just imagine the thought, it was preposterous!

I pulled myself out of my chair and walked over to the door, giving it three quick knocks. I made sure to be especially gentle after my rather violent exchange with another door earlier that morning.

I waited, but all that could be heard from the other side was silence. I stood up straighter, preparing to face my employer, and knocked again. More silence ensued.

'Mr Ambrose, may I come in?' Nothing. I waited yet again. 

Tick. Tick. Tick...  

Alright, now I was beginning to lose my patience! I rapped my knuckles against the door as loudly and obnoxiously as possible.  

'Ahem, Mr Ambrose sir, I do believe that it is the duty of a gentleman to answer another when they are called upon,' I sang through the door. Ha! If that wouldn't rile him up a bit, nothing would! Gentleman's honor indeed! I couldn't suppress a smirk, knowing that he would have to answer me now. I bounced back and forth on the balls of my feet in anticipation, and waited.

Tick. Tick. Tick...

An everlasting silence was the only reply I got. I turned around, leaning back against the hard wooden door frame and crossed my arms as a deeply unpleasant thought weaseled its way into my consciousness.

What if he's already left? That would mean he's willed me to sit here like an absent-minded fool, awaiting orders that will never come! 

I growled under my breath, pushed myself up off the door and began to pace across the room. Mark my words, someday I would make that devious man pay for everything he's done to me - both physical and emotional!  

I stormed into the corridor and slammed my hands onto Mr Stone's desk. He jumped in surprise, nearly falling out of his chair again. Was that a hint of dread I saw in his eyes? Perhaps he still hadn't recovered from his scare earlier that morning... I suppose that he was too used to the everlasting silence that filled the halls of the Empire House. Poor bloke, perhaps I should give him some solid chocolate to calm his nerves?

I shook that thought out of my head. Now was not the time to be thinking about sweet treats, I meant business! I refocused my gaze on Mr Stone, and tried my best to give him a glare cold enough to compete with that of our esteemed employer. He met my eyes, and I could see his laryngeal prominence  bob nervously in his throat.

'Yes, Mr Linton? Is there something that I can help you with?' He straightened the papers in his hands, recollecting his composure.

My fingers dug into the desk as I seethed, 'Is Mr Ambrose currently in his office? I'm afraid that I haven't heard from him in quite a while.'

Summertide Excursion : A 'Storm and Silence' Fan-fictionTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang