Chapter 27

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This chapter is dedicated to QueenAmazing for making me a lovely cover! Thank you so much!!!

I mentioned so much music in this chapter that I'm super sad to only be able to post one song :( Please take the time to look up the great music mentioned because you'll be missing out if you don't!!!!!

I'm really sorry about the wait guys! I'll try to work a little faster in the future :)


Chapter 27

“So, it’s becoming obvious to me that none of you read your contracts,” Dom said, his voice polished and smooth, the very calmness of it sending shivers down my spine. “Allow me to refresh your memories.” He pulled out a copy of our contract and slammed it on the table, making me jump. My eyes flashed to his face and the cool expression there was really starting to freak me out. “Come closer everyone, I don’t bite,” Dom said, motioning with his hand for us to lean further across the table to get a better look.

I glanced over at Mac who was sitting beside me and he just shrugged as he leaned closer. The rest of us followed his lead, placing our elbows on the table to lean forward.

“Right here,” Dom said, pointing at a paragraph. “Just in case you guys can’t read, allow me to read this part out loud. It says: ‘No member of the band shall participate in any public concerts unless the request is approved by the record label. If a band member or the entire band does participate in a concert without the labels approval, that individual or those individuals can be ejected from the label and can also face a fine.’ Should I continue? Because there are a few other points in here that I’m wondering if you got.” We all shook our heads and leaned back in our seats except for Mac who remained forward, his eyes narrowed at our boss. “Do you have something to say MacKenzie?”

“Yeah actually,” Mac said, his voice firm and uncompromising. My heart picked up a little, afraid that he’d do something to further anger Dom and I reached out to place a hand on his forearm which he completely ignored. “The thing is, nowhere in Rose’s contract does it say anything about Rosemary Keen. The contract was read and signed by Rosemary Adams yet you were the one who used the name of someone who is technically not signed under your label to advertise our band. I wonder what the consequences would be if Miss Keen decided that she didn’t appreciate her name on your advertisements. I don’t recall you asking for her permission before printing those.” Mac sat back with his arms crossed as he and Dom stared at each other without blinking.

“Are you threatening me,” Dom asked after a long silence, his voice quiet and deadly as his eyes narrowed on Mac.

“Enough,” I said softly but firmly, standing from my seat. “I have no intention of…suing you or whatever it is I could do because of those advertisements. Dom, you and I both know that you were out of line and maybe we went about it the wrong way, but I felt like I needed to do something so that Burn to Shine wasn’t immediately connected to my past.” I sighed and ran a hand through my hair, looking over at my band to see their gazes focused on me. I felt a smile curve my lips and they each gave me answering ones, Mac’s taking a little longer than the others but it was there. “We did something tonight that made us a better band and I don’t feel sorry about that. We used our music and we drew a crowd without the help of anyone’s name but our own. Maybe we should’ve asked for your permission first but I get the feeling that you wouldn’t have agreed anyway.”

Dom’s brown eyes were narrowed at me as I looked over at him and after a beat, he sighed and leaned back in his chair. “I wouldn’t have agreed, you’re right but it was out of line. Considering I was also out of line by printing those advertisements, I’ll let this one slide but if I ever hear about you guys doing another concert without telling me first, I will drop you from the label without a second thought.”

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