Chapter twenty one

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I'm actually updating.

Like early.

You are welcome.

P.s this is the last chapter before an epilogue.

Also sorry if short, I just felt that I had to make it this way :)

A few weeks after leaving the hospital, which I found out that the person that found me bleeding out was a random bystander, all I knew that it was a women,

I knew that I couldn't stay here any longer, or I would end up killing myself.

It was finally the time to leave everything behind.

Literally and figuratively.

I packed every single of my belongings and hid them behind the bush, it was time to move on. Taking every single penny I saved up, which is more than $10,000, credits to stealing, I hear out of the house thinking it would have to do.

"Where are you going?" My mother, Katrina asks.

"Somewhere where you won't ever see me again."

"You can't do that!" Katrina shouts frightened, it almost took me back wondering why she actually cared all of a second.

"And why is that? I'm eighteen, I'm an adult, I can finally report your a using so I suggest you let me leave and I'll pick a good college with my scholarships, goodbye."

I left her gob smacked, tears trickling down her face, whether she abused me or not, I cannot seem to care anymore, all feelings left my body, not an ounce of it left.

Adam attempts to talk to me before I leave.

How everyone knew of my leaving amazed me.

"I'm sorry, let me come," he begs desperately, but I just shake my head before leaving him behind.

Better yet Anne was there standing behind him shocked that he was picking me over her.

Karma hurts, doesn't it?

I took the plane ride to Virginia, where I would start my scholarship at their college.

I knew this was supposed to be he end of my story, no one had the best endings, not even in fairytales.

Everyone supposed that everything comes handed in a silver platter, especially in my case, but I worked so hard to be who I am, but no one ever seemed to appreciate.

I fell in love with someone who didn't love me back, who decided that who I used to call my best friend, my only friend, to kiss and cuddle with.

I boarded my plane, looking out of the window seat.

Maybe this can be a new beginning, even though I can't see an end to my problems in this one.

A women carefully sat next to me, as of intimidated, placing her belongings in front of her.

I analyzed her carefully, she seemed to calm, as if calm before the storm.

"I was a friend of your mothers," she murmured to me, " I don't know if you would remember me, but I used to come over before your dad passed away."

I blinked away the tears before nodding letting her continue, I didn't remember her but that doesn't mean I didn't want to hear what she is saying, and this time I actually knew she was saying the truth.

"I'm sorry," she burst out crying, I just looked at her.

"Why?" I asked cautiously.

"She used to tell me, she, she abused you, and I did nothing, then I found you bleeding out, I'm so sorry she made you suffer this much."

"Oh," I guess that was just someone else that didn't bother trying to save me.

"I know you are thinking why didn't I save you, but I'm sorry I just thought it was mild abuse, as in you did something wrong, I was just an idiot."

"It's okay."
It wasn't her fault, she was probably scared of my moms slithering ways, no one wanted to be caught up in that.

"Thank you dear, I'm Veronica."


"And I'm sorry again."

I cracked a smile at that, at least she said sorry, that's the most I got from most people.

"It's fine, you're not the only one that couldn't save me."

"Maybe you shouldn't think about someone saving you, maybe you should start thinking about saving yourself."

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