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Ashton's POV

"Holy shit." I mumbled as I pulled open the trunk in the back of out closet, it was filled with guns and steaks and other weapons of all kinds. "Dean what the fuck do you do on the weekends?" The first thing that came to my mind was serial killers. I tried to shake off that idea as I looked around the room at everything.

I pulled out a meal box from under his side of the bed. Scribbled on it was my name in his hand writing. I felt my breath get caught in my throat. There was a movie ticket stub that he kept, a receipt for a necklace that he had bought me, and a small lines paper that was folded up.


If your reading this then I'm either dead, missing or your snooping in my stuff and in that case something has gone very wrong. Either way this is important. If I'm missing don't go looking for me I'm alright. If I'm dead I'm sorry, try to be happy. If your just snooping then your very confused but you'll keep reading even if I tell you not too.

By now you've found my fathers journal. I have to admit I haven't been completely honest with you, on the weekends I go out and I kill things. Not people I'm a not a serial killer. I do this with my brother and my friend who is an angel. I know this is crazy but it's true. I'm sorry I didn't tell you sooner.


I stared at the note. I was frozen in shock. What the fuck had I just read? I was in Deans handwriting but I had no clue when it was written, I wasn't shocked that he was blunt and to the point but at the same time it was hard to believe. My boyfriend hunted- things of the supernatural.

This was crazy and I felt like I was dreaming, maybe I was. This was nuts. Maybe Dean was crazy and I wasn't dreaming. But I had never seen Dean as a crazy person.

When I met him was drunk off his ass and a flirt like he always way, but when he woke up and found I had made him breakfast he asked me to go to the movies with him. Who knew that eggs in bed after a one night stand could turn that one night stand into a relationship.

"I have no clue how to drive this." I mumbled into my hand as I stared at the car the Dean left behind, the one time he doesn't take his car he goes missing. "Dean is gunna. Freak if I break this." I said in a small voice. Sure I was clumsy was I was athletic and I knew how to kick but.

Deans fathers journal sat in the seat next to me while I turned up the music, AC/DC was something he always listened to. Classic rock, nothing else. Which I didn't mind because my father was the same. People say that we marry our fathers but truth was all my father and Dean had in common was their love for classical music.

Dean was supportive and sarcastic. My father was a critic and a straight forward. Dean was caring but hide it. My father was cruel in the open. Dean wouldn't abandon those he cared for. My farther kicked my out when I turned 18. Dean drank. My father lived in the Church.

"I know I'm not Dean baby but you've got work so we can get our boy back." I said to the car, she purred at me before I smiled for a moment as we went down the road. "We're going to Lawrence." I mumbled to her, to where Dean had apparently grown up. Where he had learned to hunt the supernatural with his father.

This was still crazy, no matter how much I said it over and over only head.


This took my 5minutes to write.....,

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