Chapter 6

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Chapter 6

Corinna’s POV

“You’re cutting it close, Corinna,” Donald said as I mounted the first step to go to my bedroom. I hadn’t even noticed him sitting on the couch that no one ever sat on in the living room that was just for show so when he spoke, I jumped a little.

I turned my head to look at him, wishing I could wipe away the distrustful expression on his face. “Your son’s drunk,” I said just as the front door opened to reveal Flynn dragging Jesse into the house.

My gaze connected with Flynn’s for a second but I couldn’t even look at him at the moment so I turned away and headed up the stairs, ignoring the sounds of the two men struggling with Jesse’s weight.

I closed the door to my room, turning the lock before rethinking the move, knowing that Jake would probably try to get in the next morning and I didn’t want to hurt his feelings by locking him out. Leaving it unlocked, I moved to my bed and flopped onto my pillows, shutting my eyes tight and trying to get rid of the burning sensation coming from my tear ducts. What did it matter to me what Flynn thought of me, what anyone thought of me? Who cares if they saw me as the worst eighteen year old on the planet? I knew the truth and that’s all that mattered. Once I graduated, I could leave this little town and start a whole new life where no one knew anything about my past.

I let out a long sigh and relaxed my eyelids feeling drained suddenly. I was just drifting off to sleep when my phone buzzed in my pocket, making me jump. I pulled it out to see an incoming call from an unknown number and when I answered it, my heart skipped a beat to hear Rachel’s voice. “Cor, it’s Rachel. I need to talk to you. Meet me at the school?”

I frowned down at my bed, my breathing coming a little faster as her words floated through my mind and I couldn’t help but feel a small bloom of hope in my chest. Maybe if we could just talk, then I could make her understand a few things. I didn’t expect everything to be perfect but maybe we could get back some of what we used to have.

I glanced at the clock, seeing that it was already nearly eleven thirty. “Can we meet tomorrow?” I asked her back softly, biting my lip as I waited for her answer.

“Please, Cor. I need to talk to you now.” There was an urgency in her voice that made me think she was in trouble, that she really needed me.

Without further thought, I said, “Okay,” quietly just before she hung up.

I stared down at the lit screen for a moment, thinking about the girl who’d been my best friend for my whole life up until everything went to shit. If she needed to talk to me now, then I’d be there. I just couldn’t get caught.

Flynn’s POV

I gritted my teeth together hard as I watched her slip out the front door of her house. She paused as it clicked shut and let out the breath she’d been holding when no lights came on. She crept along the side of the house until she was at the edge of the yard, walking quickly towards the road and away from the house that she apparently didn’t want to get kicked out of.

What the hell are you doing?” I hissed as I stepped out of my truck, pissed that I’d been feeling so bad for being a jerk to her that night. Her eyes widened and she jumped as her gaze connected with mine before swinging towards her house in panic. “Are you seriously sneaking out right now?” I asked, my voice getting louder towards the end of the question.

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