27: Monday 26th September, 19:20

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IN A BASEMENT, in the bowels of London, at the Earthguard hospital, exact location unknown, John Smith was sitting on Savannah Jones's bed. Savannah, with the aid of the high-tech bed, was sitting up dressed in plain, light blue pyjamas supplied by Earthguard. John wondered if they were bulletproof, like the coats.

The large private ward, complete with fridge, large flat screen television and room service, put the private healthcare service to shame. John, after minor nose surgery to move a small piece of bone back into place, had his nostrils stuffed with gauze.

"You look ridiculous, Smith," Savannah said, taking his hand and squeezing it.

John squeezed back and spoke like he had a cold. "It's only for today. How's the leg?"

"Fine. The doctor said that if it wasn't for Johnson using his belt as a tourniquet, then I'd be dead."

"Yeah, he's quite the hero."

"You are," Savannah said, stroking his cheek. "You saved Twickenham from destruction."

He blushed. "I think that was Johnson again. Besides, you had your fair share of selfless action."

John, who had been longing to kiss Savannah since he had left surgery and taken up residence in her room, leaned forward and pecked her on the lips.

She smiled as he drew his head back. "Is that the best you can do, Smith?"

His mouth returned to hers. His tongue's entry was eagerly accepted by her parted lips. The sound of a closing door stopped them in their tracks. The deep growl of a man's throat clearing alerted them to another's presence in the room. Surprised, John rotated his neck and caught his nose on Savannah's, sending spasms of pain through the recently straightened appendage.

A few choice swear words hovered on his lips as he automatically brought up his hand to cover his nose. Agent Johnson was standing in the centre of the private room with the aid of two crutches, wearing pale blue pyjamas and a dark blue dressing gown. John was amazed at how little noise the agent's crutches had made. Was it the Earthguard training, or had John's mind been lost in the kiss? He suspected it was a little of both.

"You'd better watch what you do with that or it'll need resetting," the Earthguard agent said, his lips squeezed together in a poor attempt to keep a snigger at bay.

"Very funny," John said, still wincing in pain. "Did they take out the wires from your lips while removing the bullet so that you can manage a smile now?"

"I didn't recognise you without your coat," Savannah added, laughing. "Won't they let you wear it in here?"

Johnson's mouth resisted, twitching at the edges, before widening into an enormous grin.

"Look, I'd put my hands up and surrender, but I'd probably fall to the floor so I'll just say that you guys win. Any room on that bed for me?"

Savannah patted the left side of the bed by her injured leg. "Of course, it's not often a girl gets to have two heroes on her bed."

In two swings on the crutches Johnson was at the bedside, lowering himself next to Savannah, taking great care to avoid her damaged leg.

"Sorry to interrupt you lovebirds, but I was getting bored with the TV in my room and thought I'd check up on you both." Johnson placed his hand on Savannah's lower leg away from the injury. "I might have known that Justice would be here trying to take advantage of your inability to run away."

Savannah laughed so much that the bed started to shake.

"Stop it, you're making my leg hurt," Savannah complained, teardrops congregating at the corners of her big brown eyes.

Ethan Justice: OriginsOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora