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Rebecca Forster

Forgotten Witness

E-book Edition

Copyright © Rebecca Forster, 2013

All rights reserved


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Though certain elements of this novel were suggested by actual events, it is a work of fiction. All characters, whether central or peripheral, are purely products of the author's imagination, as are their actions, motivations, thoughts, and conversations, and neither the characters nor the situations were invented for them are intended to depict real people.


Stephen Kyle (English Steve) and Ian Francis (and daughter Amelia's sleepless nights) for providing fertile ground for my imagination. I'm honored that you allowed me to channel the core of your marvelous persons into the two heroes of this novel, with liberal creative license, Jenny Jensen ( my muse and incredible story editor who understands my vision before I do.Bruce Raterink for your unfailing confidence, superb eye, amazing brain, and way too cheery attitude and Sandra Paul novelists whose opinions I respect and friendship I cherish.


Some writers find inspiration in their hearts, some in their souls, and some because they are inquisitive. I am the latter. I truly believe that nothing I can imagine is stranger than what happens in real life. Whether it was a child being tried as an adult for murder (Hostile Witness) or a blood feud impacting the lives of Josie, Hannah, and Archer (Eyewitness), I build my stories on real legal, social, or emotional foundations. Forgotten Witness is no different. I was challenged and inspired by recent science, politics, and modern history. This was a fascinating book to write; I hope it is an entertaining one to read.

In his State of the Union address, President Obama cited brain research as an example of how the government should "invest in the best ideas," one of which was brain mapping. The details are not final, and it is not clear how much federal money would be proposed or approved for the project in a time of fiscal constraint or how far the research would be able to get without significant federal financing. – Los Angeles Times


Can't get you off my mind. Wish I was there. Give 'em hell today. Stay warm. – Voice message from Archer to Josie



"I see that we are coming upon the three o'clock hour. I would like to thank the new members of the Foreign Relations Committee – Senators Johnson, Klupec, Garner and Abel – for sitting in before their confirmation to this esteemed body.

"I would also like to thank those who have come so far to testify here today. A rise in factional tensions in Eastern Europe has been the focus of this committee for some time now. While our State Department has kept us apprised of their diplomatic efforts, we are cognizant of the fact that our citizens can also be affected adversely in their everyday lives by world events. To that end, it is the charge of this committee to be aware and proactive. . ."

FORGOTTEN WITNESSDonde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora