Chapter 43

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Eva was surprised that morning when Angelo woke her with a kiss and suggested that they travel the eighty minute round trip so he could introduce her to his parents. It was a big move from dating but as far as she was concerned, it was a move she was more than ready to take. They had been inseparable since they had started dating and she had practically moved into his house with him. Even Gabriel thought he was a great guy who would be good for her. Everything was going perfectly and she knew from all he’d told her about his parents that they would only ever be happy for them, the only problem she could think of was Paige. Who still hadn’t got married yet. When he’d initially told her about their lifelong ‘relationship’ and how Paige hadn’t been interested in him only to confess her ‘love’ for him on the day he left home, having just got engaged to someone else, she had thought that the poor girl was going to turn into some sort of nightmare for their relationship. What she was happy to now know was that Angelo was so over his past feelings for her that she didn’t feel it would be a problem except if Paige kept insisting that she still loved him and that that was the real reason she hadn’t got married to Danny yet. She was glad to finally meet Raya though, she sounded nice.

The drive was pleasant, with the summer colours bringing a peacefulness over her that she hoped would last. The trees were all in full bloom and there was the lightest breeze as she and Angelo talked about the offer he had recently put in for the little unused building on the edge of the village, hoping it would do as a starting point for the business. And by the time they arrived at the house and traipsed him, Angelo not even bothering to knock on the door as he led her inside, the matter was settled. The building was under offer and they were both hopeful for an acceptance soon. He gave a quick shout out into the house, to find out if there was anyone home, despite his having called in advance to warn them. Julius was the first to make an appearance, surprising Angelo with how well he looked and the way he rushed forward to greet them both with hugs, his steps quicker and surer than he had seen them in almost a year. “Julius, you’re looking great. How’s the treatment going?” He asked gently, keeping his voice low as Julius stared at Eva with a smile, making her blush until he caught his attention and he took a step back and beamed with pride.

“Finished dear boy, one week of that miracle stuff and I’m cured.” He announced, confusing Angelo into looking down at Eva, who could only shrug, never having heard of such a thing. He asked for reassurance, suggesting that perhaps he was only told he was improving, but he smiled and laughed, passing his comments off as if they were complete nonsense. “No. Dino, tell the boy…I’m completely cured…” Dino came out of the living room, beaming with pride when he saw his son and the beautiful girl at his side, holding onto his hand, choosing to usher them into the living room as he answered his friend’s question. He agreed that he was quite right and how the doctor had even asked if he could publish the case for a medical journal because he was so surprised that it had worked so well, so quickly. Angelo was astounded by it but relieved that he was finally well again, leading Eva into the living room as she shied away behind him nervously, only to bring her into the centre of attention, turning to her and showing her off to everyone proudly.

“Eva…these are my parents, Dino and Simone. And their friends Julius and Silvia.” He gestured to each person as he introduced them, letting all the parents hug her as was their preference before he caught sight of Raya rushing through from the kitchen and throwing herself into his arms, making everyone laugh at her antics. He’d told Eva all about his promise to Julius and she had agreed that if anything ever happened to him, Raya would have a home with them. “This little bundle of joy is Raya…and her boyfriend Joey. Paige and Danny.” He smiled as he set Raya back on her feet, only for her to back over to Joey and take her seat on his knee, talking quietly to each other with smiles he was sure held some kind of secret. “Everyone, this is my girlfriend Eva.” He explained, glad to finally be able to call her his girlfriend to his parents, who he had been a little afraid wouldn’t approve of their relationship but as usual his mother was the first to step forward and greet her.

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