Chapter 23: Meet the High and Holy Eternal Flame (Or Drake)

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I finally decided that I would end up creating a track based off of the original lyrics of one of DFT's original songs—yes, I'm actually just making a remix. I ran straight to my room and immediately begun working on it. I had worked on that track until about ten at night until I decided I was satisfied with what I had done so far. I closed my eyes and drifted off into the wonderful realm of sleep.

The dream started off peaceful, as they usually do; I was walking down a rose petal-covered aisle clothed in a beautiful white dress with a veil over my face. My hair was done up in a beautiful way that must have taken hours to complete. Luc was waiting for me at the altar. We were getting married. I giggled as I noted how handsome he looked in a tux. It was obvious that his unruly hair had been slicked back with hair gel (How much it took, I don't know).

I stood beside him and took his hands. They felt warm, as per usual. He regarded me with those beautiful eyes that looked so much like twin suns. So much love and warmth was radiating from them. He was as happy as I was.

"You look absolutely stunning, Scarlett." He said, kissing my hand.

I giggled. "You tell me that all the time."

He cupped my chin in his hand. "And I mean it, Ms. Kaida. Or should I say, the new Mrs. Scarlett D'Ange?"

I scoffed. "Slow down, hot shot. We're not married yet."

I giggled. I was happy. It was my day and I was finally getting married to the man of my dreams—literally. Nothing could ruin this for me.

Don't you think it's a little immature to be dreaming about your future wedding when, and I really don't hope you forgot this, your life is kind of at stake? Just saying there!

Oh, great. There he was again. I looked around the chapel for the source of his voice.

Dream-Luc must have sensed something was wrong, because his eyes filled with worry. "Is something wrong, minette?"

I nodded. "No, I'm fine. Let's get on with the ceremony. I'm ready to get hitched."

Sure, getting hitched, that's your absolute priority right now. I find that kind of funny, since this is a dream. When you wake up, none of this will have mattered because none of it happened. Stop getting lost in this fantasy! You need to focus on reality! You need to prepare to fight for your life!

I threw my bouquet on the floor and shouted at the chapel in general. "All right, whoever you are, I would much appreciated it if you would come and show your face, because I am quite frankly sick of you coming in and ruining my dreams!"

"Who are you talking to, lapin?" Luc asked.

"No one, darling!" I yelled at him. "Just stand there and look cute like you usually do!"

Luc threw up his hands and regarded me curiously.

Are you really sure you want to see me? After all, aren't your priorities—and I quote—'to get hitched' and absolutely nothing else?

"Oh great, so you're a smart aleck, too!" I snapped. "Yes, I am very sure about this! Show yourself!"

Okay, fine!

The chapel around me began to disappear, like it was just a mirage around me. Dream-Luc looked to me for an explanation. I opened my mouth, but just as soon as I had, he disappeared in a plume of smoke. So much for that wonderful experience. I sighed as the beautiful dress that I had been wearing disappeared as well, being replaced with my regular, schlumpy clothes. My hair also returned to its natural state—if it even really had one to begin with.

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