Part 5

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I woke up and realized that I wasn't on his chest but tucked into his side. I could tell that it was late at night. Gerard's soft breathing calmed me down and in the quiet, I could feel my wolf. My wolf was usually just a small murmur in the back of my mind but I could feel her and she was anguished about our mate. I could hear her whimpers and yelps and my heart went out to her but I refused to ease her by being with Owen.

I realized that I woke up because Damien was trying to contact me through the pack link. I never understood why but I could barely hear when Damien tried to contact me this way. It was like a whisper. I slowly peeled myself away from Gerard's arms and left the room. I made my way down to Damien's office on the first floor where I knew him and Owen would be.

Once there, I knocked on the door while trying to push the nervous butterflies away. I didn't know what to expect. I was hoping that it would just be simple and easy but that usually wasn't Damien's play. While I was lost in my thoughts, Damien opened the door and pulled me inside before closing it again. Owen was sitting on the couch with his head in his hands. I could see that he was completely settled, even sad but my fear still spiked. I hoped he wouldn't try to talk me out of it, or worse.

He stood up immediately and started walking over to me but I stopped him "Don't! I just want this to end once and for all. I, Scarlet Montgomery, reject you, Owen James, as my mate. I won't tell anyone about today and I would hope you wouldn't either. Alpha Damien has agreed to keep this between us so you can accept the Beta position. Just find another She-wolf." I could feel my heart break a little but I knew that it was my wolf, not me. I knew that in my head, this would be the right thing for both of us, even if my wolf was upset. She was howling in pain, but I could feel she was starting to understand.

I could see the pain in his eyes as I rejected him but I didn't want him and I was sure he didn't want me. He was just reacting to the mate bond. It tried to pull me back to him but I wouldn't let it. Owen looked like he wanted to tell me to take it back but I couldn't. After what had happened earlier, I wanted no part of him. I was completely done. He needed to be with someone like Cara or maybe even Desiree, not me. It would be a scandal if this got out. The Beta and a lowly Omega as mates? The pack wouldn't let him accept the position, if they did Damien wouldn't.

Alpha Damien spoke up finally "Owen, I am offering you the Beta position as long as you don't speak of today. Hell, you can even say that you found out Scarlet was your mate and you rejected her. Whatever you want, as long as you leave the Omega alone. Do you accept?" He seemed to think it over but finally nodded. He gave me a pained look but sat back down on the couch and assumed the position he was in when I had arrived. I was glad that it was finally over and done with. I could move on with Gerard and Owen could go to hell for all I cared.

I nodded to Alpha Damien but he wouldn't let me pass. "What are you doing with my new pack member, Omega?" He asked curiously. I responded "We met today and took a liking to one another. Is that a problem?" I guess he didn't like my somewhat snarky remark because he grabbed me by my throat and slammed me against his office wall. Owen was watching with an alarmed face but he refused to move. Even if I just rejected him, he would still be upset to see this and yet, he does nothing. I turned my attention back to Damien who was sneering at me. "What if I said it was? Huh?" He squeezed his hand causing me to panic.

I clawed at his hand but to no avail. I looked back at Owen, trying one last time to see if he would help but I knew that he wouldn't. If he did, he would lose out on becoming the next Beta. Damien finally released my throat and I fell to the floor coughing and wheezing for breath. "Get up, you useless bitch!"

I forced myself to get back on my feet and I swayed a bit from the lack of oxygen but held my ground. Damien pushed me up on the wall with his body and whispered "Wanna show your ex-mate your extracurricular activities? Hmm, show him how well you use those pouty lips?" I shook my head furiously in panic and I knew that Owen heard what he said. I could see his eyebrows come down as he thought it over but he still kept quiet. I was completely mortified that Damien would even talk about that. I didn't want anyone to know how low Damien had made me sink. It was completely demeaning and I just wanted to die. I could see the twinkle in Damien's eye and my stomach rolled with the realization that he was enjoying this.

He just laughed and pushed me back so I hit my head on the wall. "Alright, you can go back to Gerard now. If I were you, I wouldn't get too attached. There are a lot of other she-wolves to better suit him." I nodded and finally escaped without so much as a last look. I just wanted to be in the comfort of my room and Gerard's warmth. As much as I was glad the rejection was over, I wish I would have never gone down there.

I rushed back up to my tiny room and locked the door before crawling back into bed. Gerard was still in the same place I left him. I could see his silhouette in the dark and I smiled. He was the only good that I had in a while and he came at the perfect time, the worst day of my life. Once he felt me back in the bed, he opened his arms and pulled me into his chest. "Where were you? You smell like the Alpha." He said sleepily. I sighed "The rejection is over. He's going to leave me alone from now on." That seemed to wake him up because he looked at me through the darkness and tightened his grip on me. "Are you ok?" I nodded and snuggled into him deeper. Just being in his warmth helped me relax and not stress about everything. He gave me comfort that I didn't know existed and I surprisingly slept without any issues.

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