2. Meeting the Neighbours

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Hey guys, so here's chapter two :) I hope you enjoy it! I havent gotten any reviews, comments or votes yet so if you could, I'd appreciate a comemment, even if it critisism cos I'm ready to improve whatever it is I havent done right.

Tell, me what you think of this chapter :)

Chapter Two

"So is he hot?"  Layna questioned after I told her I met my neighbour.

"He sure is." I admitted.

"From our school?"


"Denis? Aidan? Gregory? Ed?"


"Derek? Matt?"

"You're getting close."

"No. Fucking. Way. Your neighbour is Kyle Richards! "Jake exclaimed. 

"Mr Montgomery, mind that language." Our form tutor warned.

I laughed. "Calm yourself Jake."

"You know, all the bitches are going to hate you." Layna pointed out.

"Not if no one finds out." I pointed out.

"Oh please. What's the chance of that happening?" Jake asked.

"Kill me now."


"Ms Jones, you're sitting next to Mr Richards."

My eyes widened as I started panicking. "No. No, there must be another seat." I said, my eyes desperately scanning the class.

"Well there would be if you weren't late." Mr Collins pointed out shuffling the papers on his desk.

"Look sir, you can't make me sit next to him. I just... I just can't." I told him. The class was watching me because I wasn't whispering; I was openly rejecting the seat next to Kyle. The seat which every other girl would kill for.

"And why is that?" My teacher asked. 

I sighed.  Why so many questions. "Out of...  personal reasons."

"Well Miss Jones, I'm really sorry that yours and Mr Richards's relationship didn't work out but that—"

"What?!" I nearly shouted. "Kyle and I never went out!"

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