February, 2011

393 19 4

(Everything you recognize, it's not mine, it belongs to Cassie Clare and everyone else. I'm just playing with the situation and everything ;))

February, 2011

                “And… cut!” one of the producers said after the guy had finished delivering the lines. Because that was exactly what he was doing. There was no spark there. And everybody knew it. “Thank you for that. We’ll be in touch. Thank you”. Then, he looked at the brunette standing there after the boy had left “So… what do you think?”

                “Seriously? He was just portraying Jace like a douche. And, don’t get me wrong, we know Jace is a douche, but he has feelings too. He’s… just not the right guy.”

                “Well, Lily. There’s only one left for today, you know? So, if we can’t find him now…”

                “I know! But we need ‘The right one’ not just one douche more”

                The producer just laughed and Lily smiled “Okay. Time to bring the last one!”

                “Wait… do I know him?”

                “Maybe… well, he’s from London, so yeah, you probably met him before. His name is Jamie Bower”

                “Oh… I think I know him, actually”


                “Yeah. I’m pretty sure I embarrassed myself in front of him once. So… yeah, this might be embarrassing”

                Everyone just laughed and they asked the guy to come inside. And Lily couldn’t stop looking at him. He was VERY blonde, but also dressed all in black with chains all over him, motorcycle boots and a leather jacket. He was also fidgeting his fingers a lot, a clear sign that he was absolutely nervous. But, Lily couldn’t help but notice an air of confidence on him that was really impressive and that everyone in the room was looking at him. “Hi, I’m Jamie”

                “Hi Jamie, I’m Lily. Welcome…”

                “…to the City of Bones?” Lily laughed “Sorry! I should control my mouth sometimes”

                “No. Don’t worry. That was really funny” Jamie smiled at her. She felt so comfortable around him that she thought maybe she was losing her mind.

                “Okay. Jamie, you’re ready?” He nodded at the producer and then accepted the pages of the script they were giving him. “So, we will try different scenes today. But, we’re going to start with…”

                “Let us do the alley scene. The one after Java Jones” Lily asked while Jamie just raised an eyebrow.

                “Huh, okay… let’s start with that one.”

                "Your friend's poetry is terrible," he said.


"I said his poetry was terrible. It sounds like he ate a dictionary and started vomiting up words at random." Jamie snorted as if he was annoyed.

"I don't care about Eric's poetry." Lily raised her voice as if she was furious. "I want to know why you're following me."

"Who said I was following you?" Jamie raised an eyebrow.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 30, 2013 ⏰

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