Chapter Four

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La Grande Vallée Psychiatric Hospital in Rochefort en Terre, France on Saturday, 4 June 2016, 4:15 P.M.

She didn't visit. Belle didn't come to visit me like she said she would. I let out a sigh of frustration before throwing my chair across the room, feeling disappointment when it didn't break.

Of course, it has to be metal.

I felt my fists clench at my side once again before I flipped my mattress off my bed. Belle was like the rest of those doctors, I easily can just scare her off.

The red-headed woman entered my room, staring wide-eyed at the mess. "Adam." She said softly causing me to scoff.

"Adam," I repeated after her. "You know it's quite funny how you come in here to calm me down AMC act as my friend, yet we both know what I am. I'm just a beast. That's how you put it before, right?" I watched as the horror crawled up her face.

"Oh, was I not suppose to know about that? About you and the rest of this facility all calling me a beast, or should I say the beast? " She stared at me, unsure of what to say. This only boosted my confidence and caused me to stand straighter.

"I'm so sorry about that, Adam." She apologized, but I knew she didn't mean it. She just wanted to fix this so she could keep her job.

"Do me a favor and remove yourself from my room, nurse."I snarled.

"Adam, you've been so good lately. Don't let it go downhill now. Listen, if you keep throwing stuff and having this angry reaction then they will sedate you and bring you somewhere that you won't enjoy." Nurse Kayla said and I raised an eyebrow at her underlying threat. I picked up the chair again, ready to throw it, so she would leave.

Knock. Knock. Knock.

Three knocks sounded on the door making me pause. The nurse opened the door and I felt my breath catch in my throat at the beauty that entered.

"Belle," I whispered, staring at her perfectly curled hair. My eyes went down to her now light pink dress and then her heels.

"I'm so sorry that I'm late." She apologized and I couldn't help but automatically forgive her. I needed her, she was my only chance.

"Visiting time is over." Kayla insisted causing me to glare at her again.

"It's okay, your supervisor allowed me to stay for a bit," Belle said before sending her a friendly smile.

"Well, he hasn't seen everything he's done in the past twenty minutes." She argued causing me to scowl.

Belle didn't argue and only nodded."Yes, but I'll only stay for a bit and I'll make sure it's all cleaned up." She ensured.

"Fine." She said rolling her eyes, before sliding her key card and opening the door."By the way, you have a visitor coming Monday. It's you brother." The door shut behind her, leaving absolute silence. I could hear the whispers of the nurses talking once again.

"That Dr.Novak is so strange. I mean who wants to actually spend time with a beast? He's completely crazy." Kayla whispered harshly and all the nurses giggled loudly, making my fists clench.

I didn't move nor breathe. Was Gaston really coming? Why would he? He didn't need me. I'm sure by now the world forgot about me, Adam Bruskin, supposed heir to Bruskin inc. My parents had to of given the company to Gaston, so he had no real reason to be here.

"What's wrong?" Belle asked, turning her head to the side slightly, acting as if their words were nothing.

"I thought you weren't coming back," I said simply, sitting on the cold ground as the gears in my head started turning at their words about her.

"I would never lie to you nor make a promise I cannot keep." She said softly, her voice was silvery and I couldn't help but want to hear her talk more. She walked over and took a seat right in front of me, causing her pink dress to pool around her.

"You're not happy here." She stated it as a fact and I nodded.

"Who can be happy in a place that thinks you're insane?" I asked with a wry smile. She grabbed my large hands that were much bigger than her and help them. "This place has made me insane. It's been eleven years here." My voice sounded desperate even to me.

"Adam, you're not insane and you didn't kill anyone. You know this and I know this, but everyone out there-" She paused, releasing one hand to point towards the door." - does not know that."

"Why do you believe me? I haven't given you any reason to believe me." I whispered as my eyes became entranced with her hazel ones. In response, she smiled, her bright white teeth showing.

"People thought my father was crazy for a long time because he liked to build different inventions. At one point they tried to put him in a place like this and they succeeded. He was locked up for at least a year all over some lies. They thought he was crazy because he was original and liked to build. That's why I can clearly see the symptoms of someone who is or isn't crazy." She shared and I stared at her, surprised by her honesty.

"Is he out now?" I asked and she nodded, her bright smile turning into a sad one.

"Yes, but people still call him a crazy old man." She said and I squeezed her hand in support. "But enough about me." She said standing up and brushing off the dust from her dress. She held out a hand for me to take, "How about we clean this place up." I lightly grabbed her hand, making sure to not put too much of my weight on her as I lifted myself off the ground. I felt my lips twitch up and I could feel my heart beating faster just from the sight of her natural smile appearing once again.

"Très belle," I whispered in French and she glanced up from the blankets she was picking up.

"Sorry, what?" She asked curiously.

"Nothing," I responded, a small smile appearing on my own face as I moved to help her.

She was very beautiful indeed.

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