Chapter 21

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Paige walked at a brisk pace en route to Critical Care as she followed Rook down the hospital's corridor with growing unease. Ten minutes had passed since her escort had received the unexpected call from Medical, requesting their presence at once. During the journey back from the women's dorm, where Rook had taken Paige to spend the remainder of the day after her quarrel with Shield, she conjured horrible thoughts of what awaited her there.

Although the summons had been delivered by Justice North himself, the NSO leader had not been very forthcoming.

"Settle your mind," Rook said without breaking her stride. "Justice would have sought you out in person if the worst had come to pass."

"You swear?"

"I do not lie."

Holding on to the that firm reassurance, Paige shoved her fears aside as an unsettling thought struck. What if they had summoned her because of Shield? Had the male been confined to Medical for his behavior? According to a female named Creek, whom Paige had met in the women's dorm, all Species were ordered to vacate the recreation center and the training room was off limits until further notice. With the male's explosive temper, it hadn't surprised Paige to learn Shield had obliterated the place.

Stubborn jerk.

"Well, it took you long enough!"

Paige snapped her attention to the source of that cantankerous voice. An elderly doctor stood outside the doors to Critical Care, his bespectacled eyes narrowed with disapproval.

An impish smile curved Rook's burgundy lips, before she pushed Paige in his direction.

"Go. I will wait here."

Paige nodded and stepped forward.

"Third door on your left, Ms. Evans," the doctor said in a waspish tone, pushing the door to Critical Care open with impatience. "It is imperative your mother not overtax herself. Should her condition deteriorate during your visit, call me at once. Justice requested a private audience, and I'm afraid this is as far as I am permitted to go."

Stepping across the threshold, Paige felt a mixture of apprehension and relief. Her mother was awake, thank goodness, but there was a tangible sense of urgency in the air. If Justice was present, then the matter must be of upmost importance.

Then, why would he summon me?

Paige stopped in front of Room 6 and lifted her hand to knock, but before her knuckles could graze the door it swung open and a large male Species dressed in black filled the entrance. He tucked his chin to peer down at her, black hair framing his exotic features, and Paige felt her eyes widen at the sight of him. For a moment, they simply stared at one another without exchanging a word.

Then, his growl filled the silence between them.


Paige locked her knees and battled that sudden impulse, taken aback by the force it held over her. The feeling was primal and sent a chill down her spine. Her eyes skittered over the male's intimidating bulk, the dark coloration of his skin, and settled on his pitch-black eyes. Of their own accord, Paige dropped her own to the floor as if an invisible force impeded her from holding his gaze.

What's wrong with me?

Paige shook her head and forced herself to stare back at him, aware the act in itself was a challenge in Species language.

Shield - A New Species Fanfiction (Wild at Heart Chronicles, Book 1)Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon