In The Truck

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Author's note: I really planned on writing more this summer, but I've been working a lot more than expected! I'm starting my second job next week, so the updates may be even slower. I'm sorry! I'll update whenever I get the chance to. You guys are the greatest. Thanks for all the support you've given me. Family Comes First hit 4M views, and I can't believe it and I can never thank you guys enough!!


Julie's POV:

I opened up my mouth to scream, but a hand shot out over my mouth. I dug my nails into his hand, desperate to pry it away from my lips. He pushed my wheelchair into the parking garage, keeping us away from the rain.

Tommy leaned down, and I could feel his hot breath against my ear. "Jules, you need to keep quiet. You don't want to draw attention, do you?"

I dropped my good leg off of the pedal of the wheelchair and dug my heel into the ground. I wanted to slow Tommy down, but it was useless. He ran into my heel with the wheel of the chair. I kept clawing at his hand as I tried to contort my body so I could get out of the chair.

"Hunter is in the truck," he told me.

My body froze. I knew he had Hunter, but if he's in the truck that means he is still alive. I wanted to beg for him to give Hunter back to me, but his hand was still tight over my mouth.

"Do you want him?" he asked.

I nodded my head. I could feel a couple of tears roll down my cheeks. I could see the rusted blue truck sitting in the corner of the parking garage. My baby was in there.

Tommy took his hand off my mouth and I gasped for air. He unlocked the truck and reached back into the backseat and pulled out Hunter. He still had on the same white shirt and overalls that Carrie put him in the morning she died.

"Do you want him back?" Tommy asked.

"Tommy, please," I said. "Please, don't hurt him. If you give him back I won't say anything. I promise. Just please don't hurt him."

In one swift motion, Tommy flipped the knife out of his pocket and held the blade up underneath Hunter's neck. I jumped out of the wheelchair, but I stopped when Tommy raised an eyebrow at me. It was the only sign I needed to know not to test him. Nothing would stop him from digging the pocket knife into Hunter's soft flesh.

"Get in the truck," he told me.

"Tommy-" I begged.

"Jules, when you get in the truck you get Hunter back."

I looked over my shoulder. There was nobody in the garage. It was the middle of the night, and nobody was around to help. I looked up at the ceiling to see if there were any cameras. My heart dropped in my chest when I didn't see any. I could start screaming and hope that would draw attention, but Tommy would kill Hunter.

My knees shook as I stepped toward the truck. I had only been in the truck two times before: when we went to Noah's and the night I meet Charles. Tommy's eyes were locked on me as I climbed up into the passenger's seat. I opened up my arms and Tommy rolled his eyes before placing him in my lap.

I wrapped my arms tightly around Hunter and placed a kiss on top of his head. He wiggled around on my lap and grabbed fistfuls of my hair.

"I don't know why you like that thing so much," Tommy said as he sat down in the driver's seat.

Tommy revved the engine and pulled out of his parking spot. I wish I hadn't left my cellphone in Jimmy's room. I could dial 911 and then hang up, or I could possibly text Cameron.

Cameron was heading to the house though. Him and the cops were trying to hunt it down from what Jimmy was able to tell them. Tommy must be heading back to the house. It was the only place Tommy and Jimmy had. Even if we got there before the cops, they would arrive soon after.

I kept Hunter close to my chest. I wished there was a car seat to keep Hunter safe, so I kept him close to me in case Tommy made any sharp turns. I hoped a cop would see me holding Hunter this way and pull the truck over. Those cops outside Jimmy's room must have noticed I never came back and are looking for me right now.

I had to keep Tommy happy for now. There were so many different ways that the cops were going to find us. It was impossible for Tommy to win. Not this time.

"He's my son," I told Tommy.

"Yeah, but he's not mine," he said. "You don't know how many times I came close to killing him, Jules. He wouldn't stop crying."

"He doesn't cry that much when he's with me."

"That's because you're a good mom. But you'll even be an even better mom to our sons."

"What about Jimmy?"

"He's going to die, and if he doesn't than the cops are definitely going to arrest him."

I squeezed my eyes shut and pressed my cheek against Hunter's temple. Jimmy was in critical condition when I left. If he died while I was gone, I would never forgive myself. I shouldn't have left his room. I should have never left his side.

"Where are we going?" I asked.

"I'm not sure yet," he said. "I need to find a place that is safe."

"What about the house?" I asked. "Jimmy told me you were living in a house together."

Tommy smirked and shook his head.

"Julie, I'm not stupid," he told me. "I know that place is swarming with cops. Can't believe you'd try to outsmart me."

"I didn't know."

"Yes you did. I know you told the cops everything about us."

My stomach twisted into a knot. Getting on his good side was going to be harder than I was going to anticipate.

"I'm so sorry," I said. "They dragged it out of me. They interrogated me for hours. They threatened to take Hunter away."

"I should have killed him," Tommy told me. "He makes you too weak."


"Jules, just remember I come before Hunter."

I closed my eyes and hoped that I heard the blissful sound of sirens, but it never came.   

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