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I shot awake and looked around in shock. I could see the silhouette of my jeans on the floor and it striked me as odd, because when did I ever sleep without jeans? 

Then I remembered last night, and I remembered Alexander. 

I smiled and rolled over to cuddle her, but my arm fell onto the cold mattress. I sat up and checked around the room for her. 

"Alexander?" I whispered. I looked at the alarm clock and I'd only been asleep for a few hours. Five at most. I felt my insides going numb and felt on the floor for the vial of Renee's blood. When I couldn't find it, I wanted to vomit. 

I climbed out of the bed and grabbed my jeans. I yanked them on as I stumbled down the stairs. I grabbed a sweater that was hanging off the back of the couch as I sprinted out of the house. The cold air hit me hard, and I struggled to pull my sweater on as I ran as fast as I could. 

I knew where to go, because I could sense the souls that Alexander was carrying. When she only had Renee's, it was kind of faint. But now that she had eight, she was like a lighthouse. She would be outweighing Kaiser's aura too, so Sherlock wouldn't be able to sense that she was in danger. 

I finally had the jumper on properly and started running even faster. All I could see was Alexander. She blocked my vision, all I could hear was her laugh and I could only smell her hair. 


I felt the wind taken out of me, and almost fell to the floor. I didn't though, because if I did then she would have died for certain. I was't sure if the blood would have spread through out Alexander's bloodstream. Normally it took five hours, and that was if it was a lot. Alexander hadn't had a lot, she had the smallest amount possible. 

I wasn't even sure when she'd had it. 

Up ahead, I saw a light and I knew that it was Kaiser and Alexander. When I finally saw them, Alexander was struggling against Kaiser, who had a dagger pressed to her neck. 

As soon as I'd taken another step, he dragged the blade across her throat and blood poured down her front. The sight of the life leaving her eyes brang me to my knees, and I couldn't breath. 

Kaiser tossed Alexander to the ground as though she was a rag doll, and I felt dizzy. 

"Alexander," I whispered.

"She's dead, little Witch," Kaiser shrugged and sat down next to her body. "It didn't have to be like this you know. If she had of just let me kill her friend, her father and you-"

"Me?" I spat. 

"You were the most important person to her."

My heart dropped into my stomach and I tried to get to her.

"I wouldn't do that Blue," Kaiser warned, "it isn't a pretty sight back there." 

"She didn't deserve this," I breathed and my eyes started prickling. 

"It's coming," he muttered, "it's returning to me. I can feel it."

Kaiser shuddered, and it was almost like he began folding into himself. He was transitioning, and I wasn't sure how long it would last. I waited for him to close his eyes and held my hand up towards him.

My hand was shaking too much though, and I couldn't focus on him with the tears in my eyes. 

"Mortem," I spat and a green light shot out of my hand and in the vague direction of Kaiser. It missed completely however, and went hurtling into the woods behind him.

"Bad move little Witch," Kaiser scoffed and got to his feet. I tried to move, but my eyes kept wandering back to Alexander and the thought of leaving her body here made me sick. Kaiser wrapped his hand around my throat and dragged me to my feet. "I was going to leave Northrun, peacefully. No one else had to die. But you've made me angry now. I'll start with you. Then I'll kill her brother as her parents and her cousin watch."

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