Laxus x Reader: Old Maid

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       "C'mon Laxus, let's play! Laxus! Laxus c'mon let's play Old Maid! " The ten year old (Y/N) squeaked in her high pitched voice. She loved annoying Laxus, he made the funniest faces when she did.

Bickslow was her older brother, and he loved (Y/N) more than anything, "Laxus, just do it. Her happiness is mine. It wouldn't kill you to be nice every once and awhile."


      This happened nearly seven years ago. The wizards who were lost at Tenrou had just returned six months ago, and the Grand Magic Games were over, redeeming Fairy Tail as the number one guild once more. Currently, (Y/N) and Laxus were at the park; they had become close upon his arrival at the guild. They were hanging out more, and going on dates. Bickslow's worst nightmare had become real: his little sister had a boyfriend and that boyfriend was Laxus.

"Look at this flower, isn't it pretty?" (Y/N) picked a tulip and smelled it.

      Laxus chuckled, she had grown so much in all these years. Never would he have thought that one day, she would be his girlfriend. "Yeah, she's a pretty one." he said, not necessarily meaning the flower. It wasn't something he would ever say, but he was glad he was trapped on Tenrou for those years. "How about we go get something to eat, there are vendors out all around today."

"Sure, let's go get something." Walking along the road the two were happy in each other's presence.


       "Bickslow, can I have your blessings?" Laxus asked one morning when he came into the guild. Bickslow was sitting on a stool drinking a smoothie when he was asked this, he choked on a sip of it and started coughing.

       "Blessings? Like marriage blessings?" He asked in between coughs. Laxus nodded, earning a weak smile from Bickslow, "You know, when you two told me you were dating a nearly had a heart attack. I hated the idea of it. But now, I think you guys are made for each other. Yes, Laxus, you can have my blessings."

      (Y/N) walked over to Bickslow and Laxus, "Brother," she said sickeningly sweet, "Can I have some money to buy some breakfast."

"Why don't you have any?" Bickslow shot back at her.

     "I forgot my wallet at home."


       Laxus and (Y/N) sat down next to Bickslow and ate their food, talking about a mission they had just went on, and the creatures they had encountered. (Y/N) described this one water elephant that she wanted to name Goliath, but it wouldn't respond to that, so she named it Pillsbury. Right then, Laxus proposed, he couldn't wait. Hearing that story reminded him of why he fell in love with her, he had to right then.

      They were up to their knees in planning for the next three weeks, but they didn't care. They were made for each other, and would make anyone believe in soulmates.

     Early one day, (Y/N) left to go play Old Maid at Laxus's house. Bickslow was at the guild, and he nearly freaked out when Laxus walked through the doors of the guild without (Y/N). "Where is she? She was supposed to be with you. (Y/N) went to your house earlier to play Old Maid."

"Nobody ever came to the door. Maybe she decided to go somewhere else." Laxus shrugged.

      Bickslow had a worried expression, he didn't have a good feeling about this. It was right that he had that feelings, because while these two spoke at the guild hall, Ivan had kidnapped (Y/N). On her way to the house, Ivan had grabbed her.

"You won't get away with this. They'll never give you what you want." She snarled at Ivan.

     Ivan laughed, with a sly grin, "They will. This is the perfect way to get back at Laxus for ruining Raven Tail's reputation at the Games. You're his fiancee, he'd do anything to get you back."

       A couple days had passed, and Bickslow was freaking out. He'd asked Mira if (Y/N)'d gone on any missions, and she hadn't. He decided to climb into Laxus's bedroom window in the middle of the night.

"She," Bickslow started, mumbling the last part, "isn't back yet. You have to find her. She doesn't have her sword."

      "(Y/N) is a wizard too. It should be fine, I'm worried to, but I have faith in her." Laxus grimaced at his own words, he knew they weren't right and he should be out there searching. He just didn't want to believe anything had happened to her.

     The two walked to the guild, and as soon as they got there Makarov pushed them into the back room. Makarov solemnly turned on a video that Ivan had sent, it showed a beaten (Y/N), and told them of all of Ivan's demands. The disowned father stated that everyday that they waited, he would torture (Y/N) worse than the day before. Bickslow freaked out, immediately handed Laxus (Y/N)'s lightsaber. Laxus gratefully took it, and ran to Raven Tail's old base.

    Ivan had left the room (Y/N) was in, saying that he heard the sound of a fairy. Twenty minutes passed by, and the mage saw Laxus walking into the room with her sword. "My baby!" she exclaimed, earning a sheepish smirk for Laxus. "Not you, idiot. My saber."

      He untied her, "Old Maid, huh?"

"It's my favorite game!"

      "When we get back we'll play it."


      Two months later, the two were happily married. They approached Bickslow, smiled beaming on their faces, hands holding the others. "Hey Bicks, we're pregnant."

And they lived happily ever after. The end.


    "And that is just one of the many stories of your mom and dad," Bickslow finished telling his niece, Phyllis, and his nephew, Philip the story. He tucked them in, and turned off the lights, "Good night kids."

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