Chapter 28: Today's the Day

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Arriving over the Maine border from New Hampshire brings back so many memories. The time I moved here in sophomore year and had to start my entire life over, which I was glad to, the time I came back with my parents and sister in the car from Vermont instead of the guys because of my accident, and so many other times the guys and I took road trips to Vermont and New Hampshire.

Noah sends me the directions to his condo and my parents aren't far behind me in their own car. From the border, it takes about 3 hours. I turn on my road trip playlist Noah and I made before our road trip last winter to Massachusetts. I sing along to Two Of Us by The Beatles.

I drive up to a small neighborhood just about half a mile from the University of Maine main gates and administrative offices. I drive all the way to the end of the small road and find number 18 on Penny Lane. Yes, it's Penny Lane. The Beatles, duh. That just makes it whole lot better.

I find the blue pair of townhomes and pull into the small driveway. Noah's maroon car is parked in the open garage. Mom and Dad park on the curb and we walk up to the front door. I quickly knock before trying out my new house keys. They work and I open the front door. Noah greets me. He looks surprised, but I did also arrive a day early. Cole thinks I'm coming tomorrow, and I want to surprise him tonight at his hockey game.

"Hey, Princess!" he wraps me in a hug. "You weren't supposed to be here until tomorrow".

"I wanted to surprise Cole tonight game, and in order to do that, I couldn't tell you, because you can't keep anything a secret. But I knew that you were just sitting here today. You can't go home yet, and all of your friends went home for break", I say with a smirk.

"Well, that's true", Noah laughs. "Welcome home, Princess. Let me show you your room".

Noah leads my parents and I up to the second floor and to the back of the house. He opens a white door and leads us into the empty room. This is amazing. French doors open to a balcony overlooking a park behind the condos. A door a few feet away leads into an attached bathroom with marble flooring and walls. "Noah. How did you not take this room? This is amazing. Your parents really have good taste", I say, still amazed.

"I wasn't a huge fan of this room. My parents moved all of my things in here when they moved me in. I stayed one night and decided I didn't like the feel, so I moved everything to the room I have now. I knew you would want this room, so it's yours. A girl should have her own space when she lives in a house with two guys"

"Thank you, Noah, so much", I give him another quick hug.

"This is a really cute room. It's cozy", Mom says, looking in the first of the two closets. "I want to stay here", Mom laughs.

"Well, you can't", I say blankly. Mom gives me a look, and I turn back to Noah, putting a smile back on my face. "So, can we move my stuff in?"

"Of course. Let's get to it", we all walk back down stairs and out to our cars.

Mom and Dad start with stuff in their car, and Noah helps me with the stuff in mine. I carry my boxes of clothes, and I am barely trusting Noah right now with the box of picture frames, but he stacks the breakables in the corner and goes back for more stuff. I sort the boxes of things that they bring in. All of it is brought in, and I've counted 23 boxes. Dad and Noah carry my mattress up and place it on the floor, since the moving guys won't be here with the rest of my furniture until tomorrow. I'm not sure how we fit my mattress in their car, but we did.

"Well, your mother and I have dinner with some old friends tonight, would you mind if we go?" Dad asks as he lugs the last box into my new room.

"No, no. That is absolutely fine. I can start to unpack my clothes and shoes, then go to the hockey game. Noah and I will be fine. We will just see you tomorrow when the movers get here around noon, liked planned. So, have fun. This is your last night as a parent with a child living with you".

"See you tomorrow", my parents say before leaving.

I turn back to Noah, who has plopped himself on the mattress. "I live here", I squeal in excitement.

He laughs. "Yes, you do".

For the next hour or so, I organize my closet. Noah hands me a hanger every time I pull out a shirt. It's our little system. I check my analog clock that's sitting on the floor next to it's outlet. 5:45. The game starts at 6:30.

I find Cole's sweatshirt that he gave to me with his name and jersey number on the back. I put it on over a purple camisole and find my infamous purple and gold converse. Which I have worn to every single one of the guys games the past two years. I put on black leggings and grab my purse, meeting Noah in our living room. He wears his jersey. Smith, #13. The only person I know who's lucky number is 13. We take my car to the rink, which only takes about 15 minutes. Good to know for my rides to school starting in a week.

We pay for our tickets in the front lobby and find our ways to the VIP lounge above the penalty box. The only place I have ever watched the games from. The team or Coach doesn't know we are up here, so let's keep it that. I want to surprise Cole at the end of the game.

The game ends, we win 4-3 in overtime. Once the teams shake hands, I leave the Lounge and head down to the bench. I spot Coach first, waving at him. He comes over quickly, giving me a huge hug. I stand in the open door and wait for Cole to turn back to the bench.

Over the loud speaker in the rink, I hear Noah's voice. "Ladies and gentlemen of Bangor Township High school. I would like to reunite you with our VIP ladies hockey player of last year, while she was just a junior. Welcome back to our school. Meredith Adams".

Cole looks around for a moment, then finally turns to the bench. He sees me and pulls his hockey helmet, throwing it to the ice and rushing over to me as fast as he can. I hear the crowd cheer as he swoops me up in his arms.

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