Those They've Lost

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Looked up from the book she'd been flicking through on the kitchen table to see her mother standing in the doorway, arms folded, shoulder leaning against the door frame, her figure darkened, the candlelight not quite meeting her.

"Oh, I was just letting the cakes cool," Lorelie said, quickly pushing to her feet.

"Is something on your mind, sweetie?" her mother asked instead. Lorelie paused, reaching for her apron, then looked back.

"No, why?" she asked, her hand moving to close the book.

Her mother glanced at it, then back at her daughter.

"I received an interesting message from your grandmother."

"From Nana? How?"

"I'm sure you met that wolf of hers, he's makes a very good messenger boy. Maybe you can teach Bramble that at some point."

"What did she say?"

Her mother smiled slightly, looking down, shifting slightly. "I hear you've learnt the family secret," she said and Lorelie looked down at the book, "And I hear you've got yourself caught up with the wolves. Seems you've had quite an eventful few months and I had no idea."

"Sorry," Lorelie muttered, "Shouldn't have got involved with them at all."

"It's hard, knowing someone but knowing you can never help."

Lorelie looked at her and her mother came forward, taking a seat opposite, looking at the book.

"How are they?" she asked.

"The wolves?"

Her mother gave her a sad smile and nodded. "How are they?"

Lorelie frowned at her. "Why do you ask?" she said slowly. "Did you... do you know them?"

"I knew them," her mother said, "it was a long time ago, when I was around your age as well in fact. I was very close with them. Then we lost contact for a while and... after your father's death they were there but, it's been so long, since you were attacked in the forests. So... how are they?"

"They're... they're fine," Lorelie said, "Did you know Grey?"

Her mother smiled and shook her head. "No," she said, "No, I never even met Grey, just heard stories of him. More a legend then a reality. The Golden Wolf, a prince of the forest. Yet I hear he's your friend."

"He is," Lorelie said. "Who did you know?"

"My friend was called Korra." She smiled, looking down at the table top. "He was a lovely chocolate brown wolf with a ridiculously sweet tooth. He was my best friend at the time; he was even the one who encouraged me to approach your father." She suddenly laughed and looked up. "I even made him your godfather."

Lorelie stared at her mother and she laughed again.

"Imagine that, a wolf for a godfather. It was ridiculous but somehow appropriate."

"I haven't met him."

"No you wouldn't have," her mother said, her smile fading as she looked away. "Korra was one of the few members of the pack to die. He was killed though I don't know how. It was before your attack though so... I didn't get to see him again."

"I'm sorry," Lorelie said softly and her mother just smiled and shook her head.

"A long time ago, my dear." She set her hand on the book Lorelie had closed. "Is this it? The book that tells you how to break the curse?"

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