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June 1962.

"You know, my stereo might break in half if you keep pressing any more," Captain Dean said in amusement, raising a dark blond brow. There was laughter in his caramel eyes.

I bit my lip, smiling. God he looked good. Out of his white uniform, he was in a light purple button down shirt rolled at the sleeves which exposed sinewy forearms, and dark pants which highlighted lean, muscular thighs.

I shrugged, giving him a grin. "The songs all suck. We were lucky with Andy Williams earlier. I'm just waiting for -"

And then my favorite song of all time plays on the radio. Strangers in the night.. exchanging glances..

My eyes widened. I clapped a hand over my mouth, turning to Dean. "This. This is what i'm waiting for."

I can't help but sing the entire song, closing my eyes and swaying my head to the beat. Dean glances at me every now and then, a wide grin on his lips.

"You have a great voice," Dean said when I was done. He looked impressed.

I laughed. "Why thank you, captain. But it's more of my sister Lily who's a singer. I just do it in the shower."

I knew I could carry a tune, though my sister was the one who had the sultry voice of a siren who could lure a sailor to his end.

"Or other people's cars," he supplied, eyes crinkling with mischief.

I grinned. "Only on yours."

His mouth widened into a grin. "And why's that?"

I gave him a sultry look, lowering my lashes. "Oh you know.."

I moved closer, until my mouth was near his ear. I glanced up at the front mirror and saw that while his eyes were ahead on the road, they had darkened to whiskey. Though he kept the rest of his face blank, I knew he was getting affected.

I was an expert in this stuff. Men were easy creatures to figure out.

And Dean was just one of them. Even though he always appeared to be a hard one to crack. While at work, he kept a professional but polite profile, and charmed everyone with it even if he wasn't trying, there was a detachment in his eyes.

I wasn't surprised though, especially with how the past few months have been for him.

That knowledge alone made me curious and a little sad for him. I wanted to seep within those cracks, and fix him. My mom once told me I had the persistence of a bull. When I knew I wanted something, I knew I had to get it.

I smirked, inching closer until my lips were but a hairsbreadth from his ears. I tilted my head, glancing at the mirror. From my peripheral point of view, I see him swallowing. Bingo.

I bit my lip, letting out a low breathy laugh and whispered: "Because I've always wanted to ride a Mercedes Benz."

And then I pulled away, laughing hard now and clutching my stomach when I saw him giving me a  narrow look. "Gotcha, captain."

"Playing dirty, I see," he murmured.

I stuck my tongue out.

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