Chapter One

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Chapter One


In the stillness of the living room, the sound of waves crashing onto the shore came through the screen door that led out to the large deck outside. It's a cloudless morning sky. The sky is dark, and the sea is a little mad. The waves are always an ancient relic to look at. It's a puzzle that does not easily fit, but you'll never get enough of it once you dive into her deepest.

I always feel uncomfortable being in the sea. But I was taught that everything painful doesn't have to be ignored because true strength lies in facing your fears and not forgetting their existence.

The shrill ring of my phone broke the quiet. I blinked and took my phone out from the pocket of my jeans.

When I saw the number on the screen, I almost didn't answer it. Something—maybe morbid curiosity—made me do it anyway.

"Apollo. What's up?"

"How you doin', K?"

"Good," I said because what else was there to say? "What can I do for you?"

There's no need to exchange pleasantries when Apollo Santillan is calling. He wouldn't call me for that.

"I'm short on guys, K, and I need someone over here who knows how things work with this type of job." Apollo said without preamble.

The owner and president of Delta Security didn't believe in pussy footing around, which was just as well because I didn't either.

"So, what do you need?"


That was the last thing I wanted to hear right now. I'm on vacation and rarely have this time for myself.

I closed my eyes briefly and fought back a weary sigh.


"You're one of my best, K. This is a big one. I want you to be the team leader."

But I didn't do this kind of work anymore. My last was five years ago.

I tipped my head sideways as I considered what Apollo was asking.

"Who've you got for me?"

"Tod and the rest."

That sounds not good. But then again, this is the only time I could have a vacation for myself and how I damn miss working.

"What's the job?"

Our agent lives don't always revolve around guns, killing, and hunting criminals. We do not live undercover. We're not like those spies in the movies. We're ordinary people with extraordinary responsibility— exposing, preventing, and investigating intelligence activities. As well as understanding human nature, emotions, intentions, and motivations.

"Personal security detail." Apollo paused. "Aurora dela Vega's grandson."

My fingers clenched around the phone so tight they went numb.

"What?" It came out a croak.

Fuck. Is Apollo Santillan even serious? Hindi ba ito nagkamali ng tinawagan? O, hindi kaya baka nagdedeliheryo lang?

"I wouldn't ask you to take this on if it wasn't important, K. PNP already lost four of their experienced guys. The grandson was kidnapped and almost shot dead. Luckily, he was saved. After what happened, Aurora dela Vega contacted me. She wants the agency to take care of her grandson's security."

"Why? Who's after Aurora dela Vega's grandson?"

Hindi talaga iyon ang gusto kong itanong kun'di sino sa mga apo nito ang nasa delikado ang buhay?

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