Chapter Twenty-four

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I stared at my plate of food and poked at it with a fork

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I stared at my plate of food and poked at it with a fork. I had lost my appetite when I woke up that morning and it had hit me like a ton of bricks. Kyan was about to rape me. What was his problem? Its as if he knew I was going to be there. I didn't know what to think.

He had changed a lot since the last time I saw him. He looked much stronger and well built. His whole demeanor had changed since high school and I wouldn't want to see him again. He had an odd aura around him but I couldn't figure it out.

Every time I thought about how weak I was last night, a burst of anger would fill me and I really wanted to punch someone or something. I didn't like how I couldn't do anything and something could've happen if Parker hadn't showed up.

"Are you okay, Jasmine?" Logan asked as she came into the dining room to check on me. Parker had gotten Logan to prepare meals again and clean the house. I felt bad that she had all of the chores to do that I actually offered to help. She turned my offer down, but me being me, I didn't listen and I actually helped her around the house.

I glanced up from my plate and plastered a fake smile. "Of course I'm fine...just not hungry," I lied as I glanced down at my food and put my fork down.

"Ok," she answered still unsure if I was actually alright. She took my plate of food but I shook my head at her.

"No, I got it." I stood up and took my plate to the kitchen and placed into into the fridge. I'll just eat it later.

I went up to my room and texted some of my friends in hopes that my thoughts would drift away from Kyan.

That is how I spent my day. Locked in my room, binge watching random shows, texting, and eating a jar of Nutella that I had asked Logan to get when she asked if I needed anything.

I heard a knock on my door when I scooped some Nutella and put it into my mouth with the spoon.

"Come in!" I called out with the spoon in my mouth. I glanced away from the TV hanging on the wall and saw Logan standing at the door. I raised my eyebrow at her before looking back at the TV.

"Parker wants you in his office at the pack house," she informed me. I turned to her and furrowed my eyebrows. I have never been in the pack house before and what the hell does Parker even want? I nodded my head at her before she left. I got off my bed and changed into a pair of skinny jeans and a black hoodie. I pulled my hair into a high pony tail and exited my room.

I went down the stairs and headed for the front door. Logan wished me luck as I started my way to the pack house. I ran through the forest without shifting because it wasn't that far, I just followed the scent of the pack members. I exited the forest and walked to the pack house. As I passed pack members, they all gave me curious glances. I probably stood out like a sore thumb because I wasn't from their pack. The pack house was huge. It was like a mansion that probably was home to many of the members. I couldn't help but wonder why Parker didn't just live in the pack house, it sure as hell was big enough.

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