Chapter Five.

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Photo is of Mr. Reynolds


While most of the other students loved Fridays they were Belles least favorite day, she wouldn't spend her weekend at parties, or on dates. She'd be at home, cleaning and cooking while trying to balance her homework.

As the rambunctious teenagers all rushed down the halls, some holding hands other barely able to pull their lips from each others long enough to walk. Girls chattered about the parties and what guys they hoped would be there.

As she stepped out of the main building and watched the other students rush to their cars she paused on top of the stairs.

Missy came rushing out the doors and purposely slammed into the side of her. She fell to the concrete walkway and slid down a few of the cement steps, her books and papers scattering.

"Oops, sorry." Missy said before hurrying away.

Belle pushed onto her hands and knees, she sat on the step and examined her palms which were skinned and bleeding, she had cuts and scrapes on her arms and her right pant leg had a hole in the knee which was already bleeding. She touched the large cut on her knee, wincing at the sharp pain. More kids rushed by her in a hurry to catch the bus.

She pushed to her feet, wiping the gravel and dirt from her palms onto her now ruined jeans. She began gathering her papers, she picked them up as well as her books. She stood on the steps with a heavy sigh staring at the empty parking lot before turning and heading towards the school library.

The library was large and though attached to the school through a hall way the easiest way in was the side entrance from the parking lot. She knew the librarian would be closing up to go home for the weekend but Elaine was a nice person and had given Belle a key awhile ago. She opened the door and walked inside, smiling at the older woman.

"Hey Elaine."

"Hi Belle, how are you doing today?"

"Fine," She lied setting her books on the large desk.

"What happened to your knee?" Elaine asked.

"It's no big deal, can I stay awhile tonight? I have a paper I want to get done."

"Sure thing, you know the rules just lock the side door on your way out and make sure the lights are off. Try not to stay too late," Elaine said with a smile, rounding the desk.

"I won't."

Elaine pulled Belle in for a tight hug, and Belle returned it. It was the only affection she got anymore.

"You're going to really be someone special some day Belle, don't you forget it."

"I won't," She promised.

Elaine left, leaving only the desk light on and the other doors already locked, she'd given Belle a key years ago as part of a student program the school had and never asked for it back. Deep down Belle thought she knew that Belle needed a sanctuary and she found that in the quiet dark library amidst the books. She took a deep breath inhaling the musty scent of books and then took her time to wander down an aisle, trailing her fingers along the spine of each book.

Originally the school program had been for one hour of each school day, helping organize the shelves but soon she was coming in on weekends and after school. She knew nearly every book in the large building and could find any topic amidst the shelves.

Once she had time to calm down from her fall she took a seat at one of the small wooden tables, setting her books out in front of her she began working on her math homework. Thought she promised Elaine not to stay late she knew nobody at home would notice if she came home late. There had been rare occasions when she'd slept in one of the over stuffed chairs all night.

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