Chapter 1: Too False to Teddy-Bear

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~Trailer is to the RIGHT the EXTENDED trailer is on the chapter before this! <3


The thing about emails and text messages is you never know if the person writing you specifically is:

A)    Lying.

B)    Being friendly.

C)    Is angry.

D)    Is happy.

E)     Is your Mother, who loves you and is worried about you, or a crazed obsessed fan of David Star.

I really wish the last one was a joke.




Hi David,

This is Faith’s mother, Lisa Williams. I got your email from your receptionist. I’m so sorry to bother you I’m sure you’re a busy man. Her father and I are becoming worried because she hasn’t been responding to our calls or our emails for a few weeks. Not sure if she’s just extremely busy and stressed with her new job, or forgetful, but please tell her we would like her to call one of us.

On a side note, my husband and I would love to have you, and whoever else you want to invite over for dinner some time! I keep telling her to invite her handsome boss over so I could meet the magnificent man she described to me the first day of work and she just refuses! (She’s always been so stubborn. Don’t tell her that.)  If you’re interested please let me know! I always enjoy cooking for company!


P.s- Do you think I could get a signed picture of you?

And as if things couldn’t get any worse…there was a second page.



Hi Lisa,

I’ll make sure to tell Faith personally, it’s not a problem. I will have to see about dinner, I do have a busy schedule. However, if you’re as charming and dedicated as your daughter is, the dinner and service you will create is worth canceling a few clients. Just say when and where. And of course I’ll send you a signed picture.


David Star 

I screamed with joy inside that she didn’t respond back, or at least he had the courteously not to show me it.

“What the hell is up with the smiley faces? Are they suddenly secret lovers?” I asked the pieces of paper in aggravation as my eyes roamed over the emails. Did he really have to respond to her like that? He didn’t even tell me personally the little lazy piece of…

Wait he thinks I’m charming and dedicated?


I rolled over on my bed and slapped them down on my side table before kicking the covers off and sitting up like the sleep-deprived, messy-haired, puffy-crying-eyed zombie I currently was and slid off of the bed with a cranky groan.

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