Chapter 25

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Sharon couldn't sleep that night. She kept visiting the memories she buried deep inside her heart. She couldn't believe what he said. One thing was clear he wants her back and he is gonna take what he wants. But she know he would never push her.

Sharon just can't find herself running back into his arms because of all that happened though Chris was just a ugly part of Lily's back stabbing plan. She just couldn't.... Yet. She was afraid because it didn't take a long while to break the relationship they built over for 6 or 7 years. So what if anything like this happens again. She need to clear her mind. She know building a relationship with Chris now should start from the scrapes because there is nothing left.

And the biggest question in front of her is "Whether or not she is ready to put her heart at stake?"

She couldn't take it anymore of tossing and turning. It was 5:37 am and she thought she would go crazy if she keeps tossing on her bed.

She carefully untangled herself from Chase. Created a heap with pillows and blanket on either side so that he don't roll over. She Changed into some tracks because she decided to jog today to sort of clear her head and running helped her. She took her phone, water bottle and hit the road. It was early in the morning.  The sun was just about to rise and the scenery looked amazing.

She kept running on the foot path parallel to the beach. Cool breeze hitting her face was in a way calming her down. She took a real quick break from running squatting on the bench on the side.

Sara Bareilles was singing 'Gravity'  into her earphones. Sharon was enjoying the sudden exercise she got to do instead of running in her house getting the chores done or running behind Chase to get him complete his food.

"Hey there" She heard someone say after pulling her earphones out. She was so into the song that she didn't see Joe standing there.

"God!! You scared the eff out of me" she said placing her hand on the beating heart.

Joe was laughing so hard at her out burst.

"Oh my god. That was hilarious," he said.

"Yeah" she replied sarcastically.

"How come you decided to run today?" He asked.

"I had a lot to think and running helps," she said shrugging her shoulders.

"How is Momo?  And Savvy, is she out of her depression?" He asked.

"They both are fine." She said giving a small audible sigh.

"You look too worked up. What is gonna in that pretty little head of yours?"

"A lot actually"

"Don't think too much. Over thinking is also not good." He said.

"You don't even know what I am thinking." She defended.

"Whatever it might be over thinking is never good "

They both sat quietly for few minutes.

"Chris didn't sleep with Lily four years back." She blurred out. "Sorry had to get that out my system loud and clear."

Joseph cocked an eyebrow, "Okay?" He said it as if he was asking her to continue.

"Lillian confessed the other night. All that has happened to me four years back was my fault. If I didn't hastily run out of there without confronting him maybe my other two babies would still be there." She said running a hand through her hair.


"I am trying Joe.. I am really trying not to think like that but I can't help. I could have been in April's life. Chris could have got a chance to be all the 1st moments of Chase's life. "

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