Chapter Ten - Parenthood

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Hey !

Just here to give you another chapter. I quite like this chapter...scratch that, I love this chapter. I can't wait to write's fun. :P

I will blabber on at the end so here it is....enjoy :D

Oh, song at the side has nothing to do with the chapter it's just what I was listening to at the time I wrote this. ;) Check it out. >>>>>


Chapter 10 - Parenthood

I’ve finally decided that instead of complaining about being here, I will embrace my new home. So now exactly a month living here I now go for regular jogs around the beach and I have even got a tan! Also I have learned that shopping can actually be fun, which is shocking because before I had hated the thought of aimlessly walking around, trying on and taking of clothes repeatedly just to see if they made your butt look big. But since last week Tessa had dragged me along with her and Chloe, I now saw it as a fun activity. I actually found a thrill of getting a dress that fitted perfect and have my friends tell me I looked pretty in it and also the happiness of holding all those bags in my hand.

California has changed me.

And I’m not sad about it. I felt more outgoing and I didn’t rely on Chase so much. And because of this, he finally got a life. He went out with his new friends and he went on dates often.

Tessa and I had gotten extremely close and I even thought of her as a sister. She was my first real friend here and I knew, like Ashley, she was a friend for life. And I have even grown attached to Chloe, who always had something to say that either made me cry with laughter or gasp in shock. But there was one thing that always made my mood darken.


We hadn’t talked since the little kitchen scene in my house. And now the only difference from last time was that instead of me ignoring him, he did everything in his power to pretend I wasn’t there. I tried to talk to him but he would always come up with a smart remark before walking off. And I had decided that I didn’t deserve this behaviour. So we now we didn’t talk at all.

No one asked any questions other than Chloe who asked bluntly what had gotten our knickers in a twist but Tessa had quickly smacked her upside the head and we continued talking about something else. Tori had been doing everything in her power to make me feel unwelcome, with rude comments and snide remarks about why I was even hung out with her friends all the time. At first I had ignored her but once I had had enough of her and snapped, telling her in the bluntest way what I thought of her.

She hadn’t taken it well.

“You little bitch!” She had yelled, just about to stomp her way over to where I sat in the courtyard, relaxing beside Tessa and some other girls. But Mikey stopped her mid strut with an arm around her torso. I remember getting to my feet and looking her in the eyes, raising an eyebrow.

“What are you going to do Tori? Huh? Slap me? Or are you scared you will break a nail?” As I said it, I couldn’t believe I had uttered the words. Where had that confidence come from? Her face had grown so mad that she had crushed Mikey’s foot with her heel and ran away crying. That’s when I felt bad. After that day I had made it my mission to act nice to the girl but she wouldn’t give me the time of day, so like Scott, I decided to ignore her all together.

Whilst exiting my last class I felt my eyes droop and sudden tiredness sweep over me. I look to the neared doors and saw the library. For the first time since I had arrived here, I now sat in the library. It had been a long time since I had set foot in one of these but as soon as I did I realised why I liked it so much here. It was so calm and quiet. Nobody stared at you when you arrived and they all went about their own thing. This was a change from my life at this moment.

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