Chapter 3- SAMPLE

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This is a three-chapter sample of the published version of 'A Bad Boy Stole My Bra.' The complete book is available worldwide on Amazon (the e-book version is very cheap) alongside adaptations in French, German, Italian, Indonesian and Turkish. There is also an adaptation on Episode: 'It Started With a Bra' and the SPIN-OFF SEQUEL featuring all of the same characters is available on Wattpad: 'The Anti-Delinquent System.'

T h r e e : Sweet Metallica Lullabies

"What's up with your fine ass this morning?"

I turn to face Violet with an acknowledging grunt, slamming my head into my locker with more force than intended. I whimper as I feel the ache emerge in my temple and my fingers automatically rise up to massage the pain. Have you ever loathed something so much that the mere thought of it wipes the smile off your face and instantly makes you a hundred times more irritable?

Ah, then you understand my mutual relationship with Mondays – specifically Monday mornings.

"You look like crap, you know," Violet says bluntly, leaning against the lockers beside mine and casually crossing her arms. Her hair is newly dyed and her dark skin is flawless, unlike my scruffy bun and the dark bags under my eyes. I scowl in response.

"It's not my fault that Alec freaking Ryder doesn't know what time is acceptable to play music," I grumble under my breath. My hands dart into my locker to retrieve my books, and I shut it with a satisfying slam. Amid the ambient noise of chatter, the buzz of cell phones and the screams of stressed students, my display of frustration goes completely amiss. I'm actually looking forward to the peace and structure of lessons today.

"Seriously though, did you get dressed in the dark or something?"

I peer down at my pale blue skinny jeans and Yellow Submarine T-shirt. My usual home attire. I don't have anything against this outfit – it's comfy, casual and cal. Violet, however, has a signature style and a differing opinion on my classic clothing choices.

"Not now, Violet. I'm not in the mood," I murmur, rubbing the skin under my eyes in an attempt to wake myself up. Sure enough, I know I look like crap. I didn't even bother dragging a brush through my hair this morning, and my Converse are beginning to get tatty from overuse. I blame my dishevelled appearance on Alec. He was the one playing Metallica until God knows what time last night. I blame everything on Alec really.

Suddenly the atmospheric chatter of students seems to hush. I twist around with a knowing groan. Speak of the devil. Alec saunters along the corridor with Joe and Dylan, a folder clutched loosely in his right hand and a leather jacket slung over his toned arm. I can practically hear the drool collecting in girls' mouths already, and my teeth clench. He looks so smug, so confident – and it's his first day. I don't know how someone can seem so carefree.

"I heard he was expelled from his last school."

"Lisa told me that he's got a history of violence. Just look at him – he's so intimidating."

"Intimidatingly hot!"

I roll my eyes at the gossip I can overhear, somewhat relieved when Alec turns the corner and disappears from sight. It was almost too easy to predict what kind of reaction he would receive at school. A hot new boy, confident and witty and best friends with three of the most popular students? He'll be swamped with attention, despite his rumour record. He's got his fast pass to the top.

"So, did you happen to know that there's an incredibly attractive new guy at school?" I hear Violet say over my shoulder. I turn around to face her. "Rumours are saying that he's your next door neighbour," she continues. "Of course, I told them where to stick it, because I know that if that were the case, my best friend would have at least mentioned that a complete hottie has moved in right next door. Am I right in making that assumption?"

A Bad Boy Stole My Bra- SAMPLETahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon