Chapter Twenty Two

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Tears flowed easily down Sisi's cheeks as she watched Remi on his knees. He was praying, begging a God she knew did not care for her but Remi cared enough to try. She knew she had to leave. If she stayed long enough, he would try to convince her not to leave and she needed to do something, she needed to stop Chief from killing a woman who tried to save her life.

She turned and silently made for the front door. She unlocked it and made her way to the road where she got a taxi to take her to Chief's house.

As she sat in the taxi, she thought of Remi, on his knees and cried some more. She wanted to turn back but she was helpless. She had learned long ago that she belonged to Chief, she was his object and she was her parents' sacrificial lamb; they had sacrificed her freedom to gain their own financial freedom.

She would return to Chief and his abuse but she wouldn't take it for long. Yes, a week from now, she would put a knife into Chief. She would kill him like he had killed her son, like he had killed her every single day and when she is done killing him, she would turn the knife on herself and slit her own throat. The world held nothing for her. She did not deserve a man like Remi, a man who still had his faith for it was his faith that gave him a reason to live and she had no reason to live. He deserved a good woman, a woman such as Abigail. A good, strong, Christian woman. She stifled a cry as she sat in the taxi. She cursed the day she was born, she cursed her life. She didn't want it anymore.

The taxi came to a halt in front of Chief's mansion. She disembarked from the car and made her way to the huge, black gate. The taxi driver ran after her, cursing as he demanded for his money. She ignored him and pounded on the gate. The gate flew open and one of Chief's body guards appeared before her. Immediately the taxi driver saw him, he ran back into his vehicle and drove off.

"Return of the run away bride" The guard mocked her.

She ignored him as she made her way silently, back to hell and the demon that she knew, awaited her inside.


Grabbing Jesse in his arms, Remi ran to his car. He secured her seat belt and ran back to the driver's seat, getting into the car and starting the engine.

"Daddy?" She rubbed her eyes, as if to rub sleep off.

"I'm sorry I woke you up like that but I'm in a hurry."

"Where are we going?" She glanced around.

"The Media, then the Police" He said, knowing without a doubt that the voice he had heard earlier on was God telling him exactly what to do. Chief might be an influential man but the Media would eat up anything and could more often than not, not be bought. He would then go to the Police, his Lawyer and a Reporter at hand with a camera recording Live, and report the issue to them and demand they escort him to Chief's house.

"Where is Aunty Sisi?" Jesse demanded.

"We are going to get her back" He said, setting his jaw.

He drove the long distance to an Independent Media house, praying in his heart that God goes ahead of him. By the time he got there, he ran inside, Jesse in hand. He met with an editor who agreed to his request. Apparently, they were investigating Chief and wanted to run a story on him but had no proof he was guilty of the allegations they had against him. By the time he was walking out of that office, he had two newspaper reporters, one Tv reporter and three camera men in toe. Jesse remained in the media house in the care of an Intern.

Next stop, the Police Station. His Lawyer was standing outside waiting for him. They all walked into the station and reported the issue. The Police Chief offered to send six officers with them.

"I don't think six is enough" Remi insisted. "For all we know, he has over twenty guards. I want more officers! This is an emergency"

"What my Client is trying to say is, the situation is more dangerous than it sounds" His Lawyer said, resting his hand on Remi in order to calm him down. "It's a matter of life and death"

"You came into this station with reporters and while I find it offensive, I said nothing. Now, you are trying to tell me how to run my station!" The Chief sounded upset.

Remi rose to his feet and made for the door. He was going to another Police station, a more competent one. He needed a battalion of officers, not six! He pushed the door open and his lawyer stopped him.

"Remi, calm down"

He was about to protest when a reporter walked up to him. "The Editor just called. Apparently, he reported the case to the new Lagos Commissioner of Police who happens to be his brother in law. He is sending a truck load of officers"

Remi couldn't believe what God was doing for him and how he was going ahead of them. He smiled. "When will they get here?"

"Thirty minutes"

"We don't have thirty minutes" He frowned but he felt peace in his heart knowing fully well that God was in control.

Author's note:

Thanks for reading. I'm finally able to write again. Please remember to vote and leave a comment.

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