How It Ended

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Chapter 1: How It Ended

"Hi, love! What's this all about?" Jamie asked as he sat in front of lily.

She called him an hour ago and told him to meet her up at Starbucks near his place. He didn't know why but they're not supposed to meet that afternoon. He had a bad feeling about it, she didn't sound so cheerful after hearing his voice over the phone. His conclusion was confirmed after seeing her face, unhappy and bothered.

"Thanks for dropping by, Jamie" she said, not looking at him.

He did notice the endearment too. Most of the time, he calls him James or Bower or "love" or "babe", but now? "Am I missing something here, Lil?"

"I don't know, Jamie. Suddenly, I'm not quite so sure anymore with us" she said, still just looking at her coffee cup.

"Not sure with what, dear?" he asked again. Even though he had a hunch of what she's suppose to say, he still wishes that he is absolutely wrong.

She looked at him, with no emotion at all. "I want us to have some space..."

"You what?!" he blurted out.

"You heard what I said!"

"But why? Can you give me a believable explanation?" he panted. He really is outraged by the sudden decision that she made. It wasn't clear to him. They were fine three days ago. She was so in love with him few days ago. Last night, she said 'I love you' and he believed that. He felt how she loved him. "I can't believe you're doing this to me! I thought you love me?! You said it yourself last night, didn't you?!"

A tear fell from her right eye. She's hurting. That moment, he knew that she didn't want it. She is in love with him. "Love, why are you saying this? I love you, you know that. I'm not cheating on you, of that is the reason" he is feeling hopeless.

Lily and Jamie have been exclusively dating for almost a year. All those times that they've spent, he got to learn a lot of things about her. He knows how vulnerable yet strong she is. And right at that moment, he can tell that she is trying all her might not to be vulnerable.

She wipes her tears and said, "This is going way too serious. I'm not ready yet. I just can't think of how this might end. Call me paranoid or what but I just don't want to get hurt."

"But you are certainly hurting right now!" he exclaimed.

"I know, but I think this is better. You know, ending it while it's not deep yet?" she giggles, but he can tell that she is forcing it.

"You don't really have to do this, if this isn't what you want" he persuaded.

She shakes her head, "Nope, I'm sure about this. You need it, I need it more. We need to take a breather. As I've said, we're really getting too serious and I'm not ready for it yet."

"I reall can't you, you know? One day, you were all mushy and head-over-heels on me then suddenly, you're breaking up with me!" he exclaimed. They are trying to keep their conversation low but Jamie is too emotional about everything Lily is telling him.

"That's what I'm trying to say! I'm way too in love with you now! It's like nothing's left for myself!" she hissed.

"Fine! Whatever you want! Anyway, this is a relationship, right?" he emphased on the word relationship. "This decision should be made just by you! Only you! 'Cause were a couple, right? We don't have to discuss what's going inside that head of yours, am I right? Then let's just split up! Fine!" he accused her and walked out from her.


And I cried again to sleep with that thought. I could tell he was devastated. That's how things ended up between us. Now, I'm not sure how to go on with my life. I think I'd just focus on my career.

Suddenly, I feel like I don't want to go on our promotional tour anymore. How will I face everyone, with Jamie beside me, acting like nothing really happened? Like I'm not affected at all? I'd just think about that later.


Hi! So, here's the first chapter! Hope you guys would like it! Comments are appreciated!

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