who are you?

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As a mother your job is to protect,provide, and love your child.
So how am i supposed to feel when you left me with out protection? When you left me without a stable and loving home?
When you decide that I was nothing compared to a guy and left me when all i need was for your to pay attention?
How am i supposed to look up to you and want to see you when all you do leave me there wishing id never trusted you?
When your lies were so contradictive that they began to cancel each other out leaving just the cold hard truth?
And now that you have no man to distract you or keep you occupied, you want to force me to bond with you. To trust you. To care about you.
Honestly, do really think thats fair mom? To leave and only really want me when it suits you? You only seem to care when no one is there and when your motherhood is questioned.
Instead of defending your title why dont you try doing what needs to be done to deserve it?
Youve become a stranger to me.
So I have one more question for you....
Who Are You?

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