Chapter Eight

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Monday, March 14, 2016

Anita found out about Byron coming over on Saturday but I guess she also found about the spray bottle of water I've been carrying everywhere with her name on it, because she didn't even say anything. She just gave me a look like she was disappointed in me.

This is one of the reasons I'm glad I don't live with her anymore. Her, and her mom, and my mom - they all do that look. It's practically misandry.


Oh shit.

I think I know why Anita isn't shitting on me about what I did this weekend, and that's because she got up to fuckier stuff than even me. I was at my locker which is right across from the girls' bathroom (I know, ew) and basically I overheard some bitches talking about her. Like legit they must not have seen me because??? Otherwise they would have stfu.

Anyway I guess Anita went out on Saturday night with Romeo's friends and totally hooked up with a dude from OUR RIVAL HIGH SCHOOL.

What an idiot.

And not only that, but he's like, a jock, I think. So basically she's a TRAITOR. I'm never gonna let her live this shit down.

Later Again

Oh my fucking god, Anita. Like, so much for policing my stupid choices! All anyone is talking about is what a slut she apparently is. I guess if you sleep with guys from your own school you're okay, but if you sleep with guys from a different school you're THE WHORE OF BABYLON.

I'm gonna start calling her Anita Hari.

Later Again

Curses, she likes being called Anita Hari. She says Mata Hari was like a badass lady spy or something as well as prostitute. Back to the drawing board.

Tuesday, March 15, 2016

Lord, clearly nobody except Anita has any sort of life to speak of. Because they're all still speaking about her life.

Even I forgot about the whole thing until I got to school this morning, and I have a deeply vested emotional interest in remembering the stupid things Anita does.

Like fucking a football player.


A football player!

What a sell-out.


I may be in some trouble.

Later Later

Oh my fucking god oh my fucking god oh my fucking god.

Later Again


More Later

Jfc, I have detention for a week.

Fucking Anita.

Wednesday, March 16, 2016



So we were sitting at our usual table at lunch yesterday and you know Anita has had a lot of practice putting up with people shitting on her (hello, main culprit) but she was looking fucking LOW.

Like, Carly bought her a chocolate milk and Lewis did his Donald Trump impression, and she barely even cracked a smile. I was just about starting to think that I wasn't the only one giving her shit for opening her legs for a rival jock when I WAS IMMEDIATELY PROVED CORRECT.

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