11: Explosions go boom.

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I'll leave a light on for you.

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Chapter Eleven

Explosions go boom

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The explosion of the van caused rocks, dirt, and wood to be propelled into the air, some of them heading in our direction. I had no other option but to close my eyes and shield my head to protect myself from debris that fell around us. The loud noise left my ears ringing, and everything sounded muffled as if I were underwater.

After several minutes, I could feel someone shaking me. When I opened my eyelids, I saw dark eyes staring back at me. Strangely enough, concern was evident in them.

"Miss Summers?" With the detective's assistance, I was able to sit up straight. His fingers unexpectedly touched my right cheek. Surprisingly, the contact didn't result in a vision. "You're bleeding." Upon pulling his fingers away, I could see the tips were smeared with blood.

Reaching up, I brushed my own fingers across the broken skin. I hadn't felt anything hit me unless it happened when we tumbled down the embankment.

"Here, let me," Kneeling before me, Detective Daniels carefully held a small cloth against my cheek. Once satisfied that the bleeding had stopped, he took one last look at the wound before standing up."How did you know?"

"I—what happened to Rick?" As I tried to get up, I lost my balance and stumbled forward, falling into the detective's arms.

We both exchanged glances, and I felt heat rush to my cheeks. However, the detective didn't let go.

"I cannot say," he didn't even seem worried that his driver could be dead. In the distance, several engines roared along the highway towards us. "We need to leave."

"What? Why?"

Unless...This was targeted? Someone tried to kill us? No shit, Sherlock, vans don't suddenly explode.

Taking hold of my upper right hand, the detective began to drag me away from the wreckage. "Holy shit, we were almost killed!" Why did I sound so surprised?

"Yes," he continued to drag me towards some large bushes on the opposite side of a train track. "I do not intend on permitting them to succeed."

"Who is them? Wait, the person responsible for killing Mrs Smith?"

"No, but I believe their objective was to eliminate me. I have many enemies."

I didn't respond to him. What could I say? I mean, I assume he's rich as fuck, I don't doubt he has a few people after him. So, instead, I tried to keep up with him. One of his steps was equal to four of mine.

Okay, that may have been an exaggeration.

Anyway, he had released my arm without me even noticing. I felt relieved that he had let go of my arm, but my shoe caught in the rail sleeper, and I almost tripped; the thought of faceplanting a train track sent a shiver down my spine.

I was panting, not due to nearly tripping but because I was out of breath. I'm not the fittest person, and my arse isn't exactly tiny, either.

As the roar of engines became louder, signalling the people were closing in, whoever they were. I suddenly felt lightheaded, and the world began to tilt. Bad earth! How dare you attack me! I wanted to punch it, but my knees buckled beneath me, and I kneeled on the train track.

I'm spent.

I can't go on.

My lungs are on fire.

"Miss Summers, what are you doing?"

Glancing up, I saw the detective running back towards me. "Um, I'm k-kneeling?" I smiled. Well, I tried to, but my breathing was coming out too quickly.

Fuck I hate being unfit.

"I can see that. Might I suggest you kneel elsewhere?" He didn't allow me to comment because he picked me up and carried me bridal style.

With my arms wrapped around his neck, I can positively say he's not very good at this. He held me tightly, too tight, as if he was trying to squeeze me to death.

"Could you loosen your grip a little? I can't breathe. I don't plan on dying as a virgin anytime soon."

Why the fuck did I tell him I'm a virgin? Someone shoot me.

Did he loosen his hold on me?

Nope, not one bit. If anything, it got tighter.

As I peered behind him, a fleet of sleek black cars came into view, pulling up at the scene of the smouldering van. It was a sight to behold, and my heart raced with curiosity about what would unfold.

After finally reaching the bushes and being out of sight, he placed me on the ground. I had to hold onto him for a moment to avoid falling over. When I looked behind us again, I saw several people exiting their vehicles. It was clear from this distance that they all had guns.

"What are they doing?" I questioned upon witnessing them searching the area.

"Looking for my body, I presume."


"And when they don't find you?" I already knew the answer, but I asked anyway.

Eyes as dark as coal shifted their attention from the smouldering van to look at me. "They will search the area. Don't worry; I have a helicopter with my security team en route."

What the heck?

Sure enough, the sound of helicopter blades became audible. People quickly jumped into their cars as if they didn't want to be discovered.

"Come," motioning for me to follow, he began going through the bushes but staying hidden.

I followed.

As I heard the cars roar to life, a helicopter flew over our heads, drowning the vehicles out.

"Nearly there," the detective told me as the bushes gave way to a large clearing.

As the sky grew darker, approaching rotors grew louder until a helicopter emerged from above. The detective stood still, waiting patiently for the aircraft to land before striding purposefully towards it. As always, I trailed behind him.

With no warning, a single gunshot rang out from behind us.

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