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I had been to Vegas many times, but never without my father looking over my shoulder. The strip was beautiful at night time the flashing lights and the beautiful sounds. My mother would describe this place to me when I was little saying she heard the whisper of the sax as the showgirls danced. Mother used to be a showgirl and that's how she met my father. It was 1991 and my mother was about 20 working all night at the strip. She told me she worked at every show at least 2 times in the span of 6 months. My father was the managers assistant and they talked but only about business one night my father asked her on a date. My mother just so happened to be working a later shift that night and they went on a dinner. They talked for hours. When the bill finally came Dad forgot his wallet. After that the incident he always said: "You don't touch your wallet when you're out with me."

They kept going on dates and kept it a secret from their boss in case they'd lose their jobs. My mother had to move to New York because there were better jobs but he went with her. His family was in New York and he wanted to introduce her to them. All was good until my mother got pregnant with my other sister Harmon. Mother always thought names were unisex so gave us "Boyish" Names all the way down to out last names. Blythe Richard Anderson and Harmon Ellie Anderson.

"Blythe." He whispered kissing my ear. I shifted my body towards him he pressed a soft kiss. He was still slightly buzzed. We were sitting in the car a block away from the strip. He closed his eyes as we sat in silence. I enjoyed this. Silence but comfortable silence like when you go on nature walks. I shimmed my shorts down and replaced them for jeans. I unlocked my door and got out. I took the time to tuck his long sleeve shirt in my jeans it sagged a little but I made it work. I slipped on my boots. And walked around to his side opening the door. He slides out and leaned against the car pulling me close.

"Come on Zeus." I breathe slowly as his nose lingers on my neck. He lets me go and I reach into the car for my bag of peppermint. I feel a hand smack my ass leading to my gasp and bumping my head. I hear his chuckle. I get up and smack him before closing the door and he popped a peppermint in his mouth. He sucked on it as I locked his doors. He threw his arm around me as I put mine onto his lower back. I pulled away from him holding his hands as I walked in front of him backward.

"Buy me alcohol," I whispered. He chuckled pulling me back into his arms.

"No." He wobbled slightly.

"Why not."

"Then who will take care of me?"

"You're a big boy. You can take care of yourself."


"Fine, I'll sneak your drink when you're not looking." We made it to the busy street and he gripped my hand firmly. We found a Terrance restaurant he pulled me into it. His hand moved to my lower back. I wasn't wearing a dress or a bareback but it was nice to feel his touch there. He guided me to my seat before pulling the chair out for me. It was crowded but I could only focus on was the smile on his lips. I couldn't help but softly smile at his soft pink lips that I can touch whenever I want. His dimples little indents in his face were perfectly sat on his cheeks. The city lights danced across his eyes as my reflection was through them. His dark hair brushed back. His olive skin glistened and burned with every touch. The way his long sleeve shirt hugged his arms and unbuttoned on the top to reveal a little chest was enough to get me glittery, distracted or lost for words. He was handsome. Sexy. And I wanted him to know. He touched my hand on the table.

"Do you know how beautiful you are?" He was truly beautiful. A chuckle escaped his lips.

"I'm supposed to say that to you." He rubbed small circles in my hand. "You're beautiful." He whispered. I look up to him. Just as the waiter brings our drinks. Apparently, Zeus ordered beer even though he was drunk already. I shook my head sipping on my lemonade. He also set down the appetizer. He smiled at me and I smiled back not really thinking about it until Zeus spoke up. "You can leave now." I was in shock as the waiter nodded and left us.

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