Chapter 15: Project - Love Triangle

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Awkward. How did I end up in this position? All the teacher said was to choose a partner for this project since she's feeling generous. And now here I am, completely conflicted on who to choose.

"Come on, Colette. It'd be some bonding time. We were always partners back then, what's the difference now?" Jack insists, smiling kindly.

"Colette, we're great at teamwork! You said it yourself, we're always going to be a team," Dakota emphasizes the word 'we're' while glaring at Jack.

Before I can answer any of them, a feminine voice interrupts.

"Sorry, but Colette is my partner!"

We turn our heads to see Clary glaring daggers at the two boys. Her hands are on her hips, posing like an angry mother. I inwardly face palm, embarrassed by her behavior.

Clary turns to Dakota and asks, "I thought you were going to be partners with Hunter?"

"A-Actually, I-I wanted to partner with Colette," Dakota stutters.

I turn to Clary and my eyes plead her for help. Although, she smirks mischievously and feigns a sigh. "I guess I'll be his partner. Dakota, if you don't have a partner, there's Makayla!"

"W-" Before I can accept Clary as my partner, she saunters off to Hunter. I grumble in annoyance. Now what am I going to do?

"I said to choose a partner, not partners. But I'll let this one slide. You, Dakota, and Jack  will be a group of three, "the teacher orders while crossing her arms.

I slam my head onto my desk, groaning in anger. Could this get any worse?

"Okay, we're going to be doing a project on photography. I mean, it's the only one I could think of as a career. It's not like I'm good at anything besides taking pictures," I tell the two boys, sweat-dropping in the process.

Dakota, Jack, and I went to my house to start the project. Although, the two boys weren't listening to what I was saying. It's been like this for the past half hour and I'm getting sick of it.

Jack was the first to answer my suggestion. He gaze pierce into my brown orbs as he gently smiles. "I think that's a great idea! I'm glad you have a hobby that makes you happy."

Dakota interrupts, "yeah, totally. I knew you were going to choose photography because I've known you since we were babies. I just know you too well." Dakota fakes a smile at Jack.

This is going to be a long day.

I wait for Clary to get out of her house so we can walk to school. Apparently, she woke up later than she was suppose to. I guess she was working hard on her project with Hunter.

I see the ombre-haired girl close her door and run up next to me. I was about to greet her a good morning, but she interrupted me with curiosity in her brown eyes.

"How was project love triangle?" Clary asks teasingly.

I raise an eyebrow. "Project love triangle?"

Clary rolls her eyes and mutters, "I forgot you were innocent and oblivious." She shakes her head and explains. "You, Dakota, and Jack. It's obvious those two are fighting to win your heart."

This time, I roll my eyes. I have to admit, Clary was probably right. Dakota and Jack were acting weird. Although, I don't understand why Dakota would be fighting him. I thought I was just another one of his best friends since childhood. It's not fair that Dakota is stringing me along like this.

Clary notices my conflicted feelings and sighs. "Maybe Dakota doesn't see you as a friend anymore. Maybe," she pauses, "he's in love with you. He fell in too deep and now he can't get out."

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