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"Oh, I know that face; you had a fun morning, didn't you?" 

Cinderella looked up from her seat on the edge of the fountain just as a young man dropped down beside her, tipping his cap back and grinning as his honey-eyes flashed in the sunlight, black hair falling across them.

"Oh yes, delightful," Cinderella replied with a sickeningly sweet voice, fluttering her eyes dramatically. "I love the sound of smashing china in the morning."

"Ah. Fun indeed, and what caused the disaster? Oh no, no, wait, let me guess. Three questions. Before sunrise?"


"In the main house?"

"Certainly not."

"Ah, I would guess the kitchen then. Did it involve food?"


"Giselle was after something and somehow knocked over china."

"You know my family so well, Jazz."

"Well I hear enough about them, can't say I'm dying to meet them though."

"And you never shall," Cinderella said, looking back down at the notebook she had open in her lap, Jazz leaning over to look over her shoulder.

She was in town; smack in the middle of one of the markets, sitting cross-legged on the wide wall of the fountain, a huge centrepiece that marked the meeting point for nearly everyone. Around them people bustled back and forth, calling and laughing to each other as they ducked in an out of stores, customers and sales clerks chattering and bartering.

Ladies in sweeping gowns swanned around; their shopping piled high in the arms of man-servants who trailed behind.

Gentlemen rode by in pairs, laughing as they strode onwards, expecting everyone else to move out of their way.

Children with parents, governesses or schoolmasters passed by, their voices shrill as they spoke in blaring voices.

"I take it Master Robinson will be getting a visit from you sometime today with an order?" Jazz asked as he scanned the lists – upon lists – of fine bone china that needed to be replaced.

"He will."

"Are you doing anything else after that?" he asked and Cinderella snorted with laugher.

"Am I doing anything else?" she sneered, "When do I ever not have a job?"

Jazz's expression dampened and Cinderella quickly smiled, softening her gaze.

"I have other jobs, though you're welcome to help me if you have time."

Jazz smiled at her. "I have time," he said.

"What are you even doing out here at this time? Don't you have any jobs to attend to?"

Jazz tilted his head back, looking back passed the fountain, off over the roofs to the distance where the gleaming spires of the palace could be seen, the flags drifting lazily in the breeze at the top of the towers to show the royal family was in residence.

"His Highness is in the middle of classes, which means I'm free to do as I please," Jazz said, looking back at her, then grinned, "Or at least I am until they discover that he is avoiding lessons and come looking for me to go looking for him."

Cinderella laughed and looked over her shoulder to the palace. "Is it true he'll be hosting a hunt soon?"

"It's on the table."

"Does that mean you'll be going away for a bit?"

Jazz grinned at her. "Why? Will you miss me terribly?"

Dancing on GlassOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora