Chapter 1

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Geneva, Switzerland – 5PM

The Swiss Alps towered in the distance over Lake Geneva as Xander cut through the wind in full sprint, pursuing his mark. Thirty-five yards ahead, separated by a hedge, a man named Gregory ascended and descended the grassy knolls of the large greenway that lined the Imperatrice Way – a paved two lane street. Running along this lane, Xander saw Gregory reach the apex of another knoll, popping his head above the hedge – he was gaining ground on his prey with every stride, yet still separated from him.

Xander's eyes turned from the greenway to ahead of him, where a car approached him – head on.

The car will slow giving me an opportunity, judging by his deceleration we should be able to meet in 40 yards. 

Xander quickly fished a tracking bug out of his pocket and nested it into the palm of his hand. His eyes found the spot where he anticipated to meet the car. As expected, the Sedan slowed upon its approach. Xander did not turn; rather he ran up its front bumper, onto the roof of the car and launched himself up and over the hedge. He descended on Gregory at the spot, tackled him to a tumbling landing. Gregory proved more elusive than he had thought, for he squirted out from his grasp like a wet bar of soap. Xander got up to his knees and looked down at his palm – empty. No tracking bug. Then his eyes raised to Gregory. Xander flashed a smile as he found his footing and continued his pursuit. 

Gregory, now twenty yards ahead, scaled a brick wall and landed into a residential yard. He burst through an abandoned shed, which shattered at his impact. Unsure of how close Xander was on his heels he did not look back but rather sprinted to the back door of the large residence before him, flung the door open and ran into the house. Screams rang out in the kitchen as the intruder ran through the residence in a hustle. His eyes found a set of keys hanging from the wall, which his hand snagged quickly. He darted out the front door into the residence's driveway to find a beeping BMW, responding to the unlock button he was pressing on the keys. He jumped into the driver's seat, relieved by his impending escape – but he was unsure of where Xander was. He floored it to a screeching speed out of the gated driveway. 

Then a thud sounded. 

 Xander was on the roof of the car. Gregory immediately began swerving the BMW, Xander flopped like a trout caught on a line. The wind broke across his face as the Beamer accelerated to high speeds. Xander looked ahead to see what lay ahead of them, it was the waterfront.

 "Crank up the engines! I have a feeling I'll be seeing you in a minute," Xander directed to his wife. 

 Aboard the Santa Anna, Fiona Whitt surveyed the satellite feed boxes populating her laptop computer monitor. She was alone on the speed boat, docked in Lake Geneva aiming Southwest toward the Rhone River. "Got it! I see you approaching! You're only 50 yards from me," Fiona shouted into the comm so he could hear her over the wind cutting past him. 

The road led out onto a boardwalk. The car gathered speed as it cut across a pedestrian's intersection and zoomed down the dock with a horse-powered revving. The end of the dock approached – the railing only 20 yards. Xander's grip tightened, bracing for impact. 

The car smashed through the railing. 


The autumn Geneva water was bitter cold, as every pore in Xander's body snapped shut. His body toppled through the ice-like waters, first burning upon impact then freezing to the bone. Xander treaded water scoping the dock for Gregory who was on foot, running the other way. Diving out of the car before impact, he was able to send Xander off the dock. To Xander's relief he felt a deep vibration in the water and then he heard a low hum as a 20 foot speed boat pulled up to him. Looking down at him from Starboard was a beautiful red head with glacier blue eyes. Her smile wide at her husband's defeated position. 

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